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U.S Navy


  • How many ships fit in the shipyard?

    12. 21. 2010 15:47

Just wondering how many ships I can have in the US shipyard?

  • Re : How many ships fit in the shipyard?

    12. 23. 2010 13:24

You are limited to the amount of additional Dock Increases as well. And your total Ships
(all harbors) is limited to 15 + any premium ships. Ships outside of Premium and Supers
can be stored in HQ but will take up 6 slots.

Perhaps not the best place to bring up, but any particular reason for the ship limit? At
4 BB6s with full crews I have 4 HQ pages and still struggle to keep all crew/ships that
I'd like to.

  • Re : How many ships fit in the shipyard?

    12. 23. 2010 13:04

Neither is Mississississippi

  • Re : How many ships fit in the shipyard?

    12. 21. 2010 21:27

Level: 1
Server: Iowa
Fleet: Phil TinCans
Re : How many ships fit in the shipyard?
12 21 2010 7:37PM
in my shipyard only have 7 slots for the ships

Texas isn't counted.

  • Re : How many ships fit in the shipyard?

    12. 21. 2010 21:00

Thanks ^^

  • Re : How many ships fit in the shipyard?

    12. 21. 2010 19:37

in my shipyard only have 7 slots for the ships

  • Re : How many ships fit in the shipyard?

    12. 21. 2010 18:40

6 plus any special ships (PCL, PCA, PBB, PCV, EBB). you can also buy dock space to
increase that number.