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U.S Navy


  • PCV Ticonderoga

    12. 22. 2010 20:13

Is this vessel worth getting? What would be a good set up for it? Suggestions and
advice appreciated. I'm working up my BO for the CV line...and would like to know if
it's worth getting.

  • Re : PCV Ticonderoga

    12. 23. 2010 10:18

Its still a good buy only thing i don't like about the boat is the gun emplacement is all
over the shop(gun shells are quite spread out wish they are all align like KM PCV all
place close to centre) if u compare to other PCV .Gun angle are lock to broadside of
each side so in short you have 8 guns only 4 guns can fire on each side(should be the
same as other PCV).

  • Re : PCV Ticonderoga

    12. 23. 2010 09:55

Yes it is worth getting (especially if you get it from an event & dont have to pay for
it). But yeah compared to the lexy you get considerably more aircraft space, 11 aircraft
take off (vs 10 w/lexy) and 2 more support slots. Plus more dp, so in short yes the ticon
is worth getting.--hope this has helped.

  • Re : PCV Ticonderoga

    12. 23. 2010 09:18

This ship is absolutely worth getting, I am running mine with 6ftrs, 2 DBs, seaman,
and rld gunners most of the time. There are many different setups. Sometimes I will
run it with 5ftrs/2dbs and a Eng. With a lvl 108ish eng and full bulge it will run 40
knots. It is entertaining to just run away from subs.