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  • Event Carriers

    12. 23. 2010 20:36

I noticed that the NF Team keeps making new event battleships. How about making some Event
Carrier for a change. Here are some suggestions for the carriers.

US. Enterpise: Yorktown class
The most famous carrier of the war and was a constant thorn in the side of the Japanese
war machine. Was often nicknamed the 'Grey Ghost' or 'Lucky E' due to all Japanese
attempts to sink her had failed and she had made many strikes against the Japanese all
over the Pacfic often without forewarning. Was the only Yorktown class carrier to survive
the war.
Too bad she was scrapped, she would of been a great museum ship. She was the most
decorated warship in US Naval History

IJN. Soryu: Soryu class( NF had mistakenly called the class the Hiryu class)
Built from the onset as a carrier. At the time of her launch she was the fastest carrier
in the world with a speed of 34.5 knots. She was one of six carriers that attacked the US
Base of Pearl Harbour. In the early phase of the Pacific war, she launch many air strike
against Allied Bases in the Pacfic and had sunk the British cruisers Cornwall and
Dorsetshire as well as the carrier Hermes at Ceylon.
She was one of the 4 Japanese carriers lost at the Battle of Midway.
Compassghost has already made sprite of her.

UK. Glorious: Courageous class
Originally a 'large light cruiser' the Glorious and her sister ships Courageus and Furious
were converted to carriers in 1924 and was recommissioned on 24 February 1930. Was part of
the Mediterranean Fleet for a time after World War II broke out in 1939. In October 1939
she was part of Task Force J in the Indian Ocean in an unsuccessful attempt to hunt the
German Panzerschiffe Admiral Graf Spee. She returned to the Mediterranean in December. Was
recalled to the Homefleet in 1940 to provided aircover for the Norway Landing.
She was sunk in the Norwegian Sea by the German Battlecruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau
becoming one of the few major aircraft carrier sunk by battleships

KM. Aquila.
An Italian aircraft carrier converted from the Trans-Atlantic liner Roma. Her development
was slow and was only given priority after three heavy cruisers were lost off Cape
Matapan. The Aquila was nearing completion and had passed her first static trails, when
Italy had resigned and the ship was seized by the Germans. Was damaged by an Allied
airstrike on June 16, 1944 and was scuttled by Italian Frogmen to prevent the Germans
using her to block the entrance to Genoa harbor.
Had her conversion had begun in 1938 instead of 1941 she might of affected the outcome of
the conflict in the Mediterranean theater.

Not sure what to give the French as they had almost no historic aircraft carriers during ww2

  • Re : Event Carriers

    04. 08. 2011 01:28

does anyone else want to post

  • Re : Event Carriers

    04. 06. 2011 21:29

They will probably do it after they are done making the EBBs. You just have to wait.

  • Re : Event Carriers

    04. 05. 2011 23:18

Hopefully they will chose the Enterprise for the US ECV

  • Re : Event Carriers

    04. 05. 2011 18:24

ECVs are infact in the future. There are ECV sprites in everyone's NF folder. My
speculation is either a CV3 (8 launch) with CV4 support slots and plane space or a CV4 (9
launch) with CV5 plane space.

  • Re : Event Carriers

    04. 05. 2011 16:53

The reason Event BBs are sought after is because they are special, unique, worth the fight
to get it, worth the 50mil bs that we had to spend 2 years ago to get one.

What do your ECV's have that make them special?


They sound like copies of the cvs we have in game

Changing gunsets is not enough to merit a new class of cvs, because they are not the main
focus of the ship. That's like saying that changing the planespace that a BB can carry
will make a new ship class; it is obviously not the main focus of the ship class.

Adding more planes is like adding more ammo to the ships; it's obviously a balance between
classes, but without additional plane launch, it is worthless.

Adding more plane launch makes it overpowered and catapults it into the next tier of cvs,
look at daladier and how retarded it is.

Adding more dp is bad for the rest of the reasons.

Face it the true way to make an ecv is to add different, possibly unique types of planes
that it can use that can have a variety of effects; fast dbs, slow but powerful fps, slow
but powerful dbs, etc.

There is no variety with this suggestion and that's why it will fail

  • Re : Event Carriers

    04. 05. 2011 01:13

does anyone else want to post

  • Re : Event Carriers

    03. 14. 2011 14:34

now i trust that tnf will make a choice about it i would be happy if it does happen

  • Re : Event Carriers

    03. 14. 2011 03:46

does anyone else want to make a post?

  • Re : Event Carriers

    02. 24. 2011 16:21


  • Re : Event Carriers

    02. 24. 2011 12:40

I like it...u get my reccm'd :)
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