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  • USS Lexington-CC1 (Battle Cruiser)

    12. 25. 2010 15:56

I suggest that the Alaska be redesignated as a "Large Cruiser" and scaled down as
either a PCA (smaller size same guns) and then be replaced with the USS Lexington
class battle cruiser...which would be far moe appropriate as a BB1 than the Alaska
class is. In it's initial form, it would be armed with the 14" guns that it was intended
to be armed with in initial designs. It's remodel would receive the 16" duals that
was included in the final design. This remodel would be lvl as to not
be "permitted" in Blitz rooms...(a better suggestion would be to ban BB1's from blitz).

This would eliminate a whole host of complaints about being forced to use what
is...essentially...a cruiser as a BB1.

UPDATE: In answer to comments
No...a battle cruiser was never really intended to fight on the main battle line...large
cruisers (in US naval doctrine) were intended to counter the cuisers being built in
Japan in the late 1930's. Try reading the Wiki entry on the Alaska class...they were
never, ever intended for use on the battle line.

A battle cruiser's original intent (when built by the British and then other nations)
was as a long range, fast battle ship to be deployed to protect it's overseas
possessions, while cruisers were always intended to patrol sealanes, and work the
flanks of the battle line. Thus, classing the AK's as BC's, and then only providing
them with the support slots of a CA is placing them at a huge disadvantage at the
start. Furthermore, in the US ship type designation systems the Alaska's were
never classed as CC (battle cruiser), but rather as CB's (large cruisers), while CA is
used to designate heavy cruisers, and CL for light.

While's it's guns were near the range and hitting power of the earliest US BB
guns...the Lexington class CC's were to have the 16"/50cal guns now often found
on the Colorado class in the game and would thus be a better ship/choice for a
BB1, but in NF standards, arm the BB/BC version with the 14" guns it was originally
intended to have, and use the 16" guns for a remodel @ lvl 61. While it would be
hard hitting ship, the Lexingtons mounted much less armour (though more than the
AK's) is found on a BB.

By reducing the Alaska in size to PCA status, and replacing it with a real BC (or CC
in the US designation system) NF would return them to their traditional role. That of
a CB (or panzerschiff equivalent).

  • Re : USS Lexington-CC1 (Battle Cruiser)

    03. 19. 2011 08:38


  • Re : USS Lexington-CC1 (Battle Cruiser)

    12. 27. 2010 14:15

Maximus, those are awesome pictures...and that's pretty much what I am

The initial ship could be armed with the 14" guns that it was originally intended to
be armed with...and the remodel could get the 16" guns as well as the 5"/38 cal's
that all BB class vessels were armed with.

I'll incorporate that into the suggestion.


  • Re : USS Lexington-CC1 (Battle Cruiser)

    12. 26. 2010 23:08

no way 16" guns will be allowd into blitz

  • Re : USS Lexington-CC1 (Battle Cruiser)

    12. 26. 2010 21:52

Maybe when the Russian Faction is fully intergrated into game, the Invincible class
battlecruiser can replace the Sevastopol as the PBB for the US

  • Re : USS Lexington-CC1 (Battle Cruiser)

    12. 26. 2010 20:57

Don't need to call it the Lexington, just call it one of the other names that a
Lexington class BC would have gotten, such as: Saratoga, Constitution, Ranger,

BATTLECRUISERS FTW!!! I'll reccomend tomorrow... but now for your viewing

USS Constitution circa 1920:

USS Constitution circa 1944:

  • Re : USS Lexington-CC1 (Battle Cruiser)

    12. 26. 2010 12:38

The alaska is fine the way it is, besides, this game is not really ment to be
historically accurite. And Sd would not put 16" guns on a bb1 16" guns belong on
bb2s. And on another note I like the alaska and the Guam.

  • Re : USS Lexington-CC1 (Battle Cruiser)

    12. 26. 2010 11:55

Updated argument for clarity and sense.

  • Re : USS Lexington

    12. 25. 2010 23:06

do not rec. The carrier version is already ingame.

  • Re : USS Lexington

    12. 25. 2010 20:06

'Large Cruiser' or 'Cruiser Killers' is the official classification of the Alaska class.
However if you want to be broadly informal, you can just call them battlecruisers, as they
were meant to outgun anything up to heavy cruisers, and meant to run away from anything
with firepower than was equal or greater than their own.