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U.S Navy


  • US Sub Guns

    12. 27. 2010 11:46

This may have been answered elsewhere, but I have been unable t find it, please help. I
have worked through all the US subs, and am in a Cachalot. I have YET to get the guns
working. I have tried reload gunners, accuracy gunners, AA gunners, new gunners, upper
level gunners (topping out about lvl 90). I made sure I had ammo, and STILL, the guns
won't fire during battle.
Please, tell me 1) Type of gunner required, acc, rld, or AA; 2) Lvl of gunner reqd for the
deck gun on a Cachalot. I am just about LOSING it here!

  • Re : US Sub Guns

    01. 03. 2011 20:45

Let me guess, your on gradual trying to fire a rear gun...

  • Re : US Sub Guns

    01. 03. 2011 19:25

Actually, I was set for X, not C, but it should have shot anyway....

In any case, the REST of the crew is now close to too heavy for a gunner, so, I guess I am
just SOL (somewhat outta luck).

At least I am not losing out like I wold be in the KM FLAKPANZER, I mean flakboat

  • Re : US Sub Guns

    12. 28. 2010 22:35

ah. never bothered to changed my fcs so wouldnt know.

but really, at level 91, you're having trouble with making a gun shoot. serious?

btw i do enjoy the 5" gun with power of a CA shell

  • Re : US Sub Guns

    12. 27. 2010 15:10

"...or you're using auto..."

it is impossiable to use auto in a sub since ALL SS FCS are manual by nature.

PS: try hitting the C key after selecting guns. the cachalot has a REAR mounted gun
(if you haven't noticed already, please refer to mr lion on my avatar)

  • Re : US Sub Guns

    12. 27. 2010 12:36

it says what level the guns are in game.... -.-

you're probably not pressing R .....or you're using auto