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U.S Navy


  • What has better spread?

    12. 27. 2010 18:56

Which ship has better spread assuming they're both using the normal fcs for that lvl. The NM45 with 14" mk7, or the
Colorado with 16" mk2(not the mini-monty guns). I plan to take the Colorado, but I heard its spread sucks. Btw I
have lvl 78 bve USn gunners capped, so I won't have shotgun spread, but still, which one has better spread?

  • Re : What has better spread?

    12. 30. 2010 08:01

I'd rate the Tennessee as the best actually, for the fire arcs on the main guns. The Tenn
can put all guns on target nearly head-on (or butt-on) to the enemy. Sure, it can't use
the mini-monty setup, but that's mostly a novelty anyway.

  • Re : What has better spread?

    12. 30. 2010 07:47

The NM45 used to be good till it was stripped of its 16s...Yippy....

Colorado is hands down the best US BB2...

  • Re : What has better spread?

    12. 29. 2010 16:09

Colorado spread is definitely better. I don't see why you would use the NM 14s instead
of the Colorado 16s.

  • Re : What has better spread?

    12. 28. 2010 22:31

considering the colo have larger gun spaces and is able to use NM guns.....

tadaaaa. light bulb?

  • Re : What has better spread?

    12. 28. 2010 19:30

If you have good experts and vets the 16" has fairly good spread. Dont go new mex
the remod is a waste of money, the colorado is way better.

  • Re : What has better spread?

    12. 28. 2010 18:44

You do know that you can still use the 14" guns on the Colorado? The Colorado also
has the best turn rate of all the BB2s.

  • Re : What has better spread?

    12. 28. 2010 05:55

Ok thanks

  • Re : What has better spread?

    12. 27. 2010 22:45

Well to be exact, I would definetely use the Colo. It is worth the extra few levels
and the power, With BVE gunners, it would really help the Colo. The New Mexico is
literally IMPOSSIBLE to get good spread. Colo all the way.

  • Re : What has better spread?

    12. 27. 2010 19:38

It seems like the 16" duals have better spread. I don't know how accurate my perception
is. They're also less annoying about armor penetration. (The 14s bounce off of things
that are normally fail, and the AP is of questionable value)