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Royal Navy


  • Thoughts about Warspite

    12. 30. 2010 08:28

I really want to know what do you think about this ship guys.. i couldnt test it yet
since i m missing two coins..

I also want to know if you recomend to spend the coins getting it with my crew like
bo is lvl 79
gunners 79 almost 80...
Supports 75/76 ..
I dont know if its better to spend the coins in something else and going for the POW
or take the Warspite...
Comments will be apreciated Thx.

ps.sorry about the english.

  • Re : Thoughts about Warspite

    01. 11. 2011 23:38

I have only a BB5 Crew at level 105 and this ship rocks.

It makes so much fun!

  • Re : Thoughts about Warspite

    01. 08. 2011 02:19

thanks for the shipyard screenshots, b5555
finally i can see teh warspite! muahahaha >:)

>.> ok this is making me 'ill-feel'

  • Re : Thoughts about Warspite

    01. 07. 2011 14:44

I think Warspite is a fairly decent guy. He comes from a scummy part of Newcastle though.

  • Re : Thoughts about Warspite

    01. 07. 2011 12:36

I judge every ship with its best capability and that is only doable with max lvl crew.
And yes it requires best crew to use ship well thats a fact.Its stupid to think
Lets take km BB1 schanhorst for example its the worst bb1 with at lvl crew but that
ship shines and hands down best bb1 amnong all bb1 s and owns all bb1 events
with lvl 120 crew.Does that make people grind till lvl120 to use scharn ?No.

So why is it so hard to understand what i am saying.

  • Re : Thoughts about Warspite

    01. 07. 2011 10:03

So you are saying , yeah peolple grind lvl 120 to use warspite to rule the sea insted
of grinding for the QV =/, its stupid to think that a lvl120 crew is needed to use a
ship well, the ship is supposed to be useful with crew around its lvl ...

  • Re : Thoughts about Warspite

    01. 07. 2011 02:25

This ship doesnt need additional displacement all she needs is bb fcs2 instead bb fcs

  • Re : Thoughts about Warspite

    01. 07. 2011 02:21

Even if i wanted a more fun set up i would go with lvl80 trips each turret at 2850
tons .Having some nice range to chest bb4and bb5 easily while sailing with an
amazing 42 knots.

  • Re : Thoughts about Warspite

    01. 07. 2011 01:55

''May I ask how you're getting four 4700 ton turrets plus ammo and a level 120 crew
this ship? I'm out of weight with the lvl 80 triples and a level 90 crew.''

Because at lvl 120 you will need less crew then you would need at at lvl crew.

Here is my crew

So as you see only 2 ebve reps with 200+ vets will be enough to hit rep cap.

3 engies all ebve will also do the job and bring me enough oh time also .
4 th one would add only 7-8 percent more oh time so no needed.
If i would put only 2 ebve engies i would still 900sd cap but in that condition i would
suffer 25 percent less oh time.

1 scout bve with 4 lvl 120 scout planes is also much better.

2 uber vetted ebve gunners and 1 bo.

No armor or aa is needed with this ship also even she has some very nice aa
capability.(I dont like uk aa).Loaded with 5 binds of he and 1 bind of ap.

Trick is put cl2 engine you will save a ton while not loosing a single knot.
It still does make 39 knots with 900 sd cap.

Although you guys might think this ship sucks with at level crew quite the contrary it
shines with 120 and it s highly overpowered

  • Re : Thoughts about Warspite

    01. 06. 2011 20:03

I crunched some numbers comparing the UK BB3's to the EBB3 as far as displacement
and these are my results. For those who don't know normal is the ship without
anything on it. They also list the standard displacement also but I'm too lazy to
compare that since you can choose whatever engines, guns, and FCS you want (all
with different weights).

39930 tons max
-13309 tons normal
26621 tons usable displacement

46000 tons max
-12951 tons normal
33049 tons usable displacement

45360 tons max
-11120 tons normal
34240 tons usable displacement

40000 tons max
-8505 tons normal
31495 tons usable displacement

48360 tons max
-15923 tons normal
32437 tons usable displacement

So this means the WARSPITE has the lowest displacement by 4874 tons (the Nelson
has lowest of the UK BB3). So i would think that it should be at the Nelsons
displacement level at least because we are expected to have another turret on it
and less displacement just doesn't seem right.

P.S to mods: Where should i put a thread on how we think you should adjust the UK
EBB3 (since you said we {aka you} have that option if you think its needed). I was
thinking in each nations subforum so its easier to see what each nation wants and
its not all jumbled together. So you can make changes as you see fit (or none at all).
I was thinking the title "UK EBB3 Suggestions".

  • Re : Thoughts about Warspite

    01. 06. 2011 12:55

May I ask how you're getting four 4700 ton turrets plus ammo and a level 120 crew onto
this ship? I'm out of weight with the lvl 80 triples and a level 90 crew.
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