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  • Suggestions for next year's coin event

    01. 01. 2011 06:44

Thanks for this year's coin event. It was a big improvement over last year's.

Suggestions for the next coin event:

1) Reduce the minimum game time from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.

Blitz games are often decided in less than 5 minutes. Reducing the minimum game time to 3
minutes would save you from having to plead with your teammates to cease fire and wait for
the clock to run down - a request that is often ignored or not understood.

2) Make 6 losses = 1 win = 1 coin

When you get stuck on the fail team, or your flag is a moron, or you're autostacked
against in Blitz (1 cv vs. 1 bb + 2cv) again and again, trying to get a win becomes very
frustrating. Giving this consolation prize would help to alleviate the player's
suffering. And with the number of losses set at 6, it will still be more rational to play
for a win than leech.

  • Re : Suggestions for next year's coin event

    01. 04. 2011 19:40

forgot the stupid coin!!!!!

just do it it like the old day

1-2 week of exp boost+item drop

and 1-2 day 300% vet convertion!!!!!

(btw if $de have little brain they suppose to know that a lot of ppl will buy expert
pack if they know a 300%vet con.. comme for the event = alot of $$$ )

and maby the santa bomber

  • Re : Suggestions for next year's coin event

    01. 04. 2011 19:06

Ye that wouldnt rly work. Besides if u go to GB2 it shouldnt be a prob xD


  • Re : Suggestions for next year's coin event

    01. 01. 2011 07:04

Both of those ideas individually are kinda good ideas the problem is the first one(i don't
really agree with anyway) sets up leachers for the second method of just bailing after 3
mins is over and getting at least a coin every 20 mins win or lose