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  • ban flag from retreating

    01. 01. 2011 23:41

title is self-explanatory

  • Re : ban flag from retreating

    01. 02. 2011 02:14

ALSO make sure that the flag hasnt just been banned from the room for not
controling their ship for 2mins.

IT APPEARS that they have retreated, but infact they where banned from the room.
it is just set up so people in the room see it as they retreated, rather than being

ALSO sometimes there are reasons for retreating as a flag... 1 possible one is
because they may have had something pop up in real life, and they cant play
anymore, or have to leave in a hurry. ( ex: they get kicked off the computer, or there
is some emergeny that they cant stay for.) another possible reason (ive seen this)
the person accidently hits the esc key and retreats.. not on perpose.. accidently..
and before you say "how would they even hit it and hit yes on the retreat"
remember... the esc key is vary close to the "1" key... and enter automatically enters

so make sure they are retreating for a reason before reporting them... because in
my opinion, its bull crap to be banned for retreating, even as flag, when there is a

or better yet... look at the games they are in... if they do it multiple times... then
report them... one time isnt really enough to go on... (in my opinion)

  • Re : ban flag from retreating

    01. 02. 2011 01:34

it IS banable...IMO

all you need to do is take screeny's of falg retreating.....

if you see somebody DCing rather then retreating...make multiple screenies of him
during the week and agein...just report...

it's no need for suggestion
