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  • Assign Flagship after battle start.

    01. 02. 2011 01:27

The reason I suggest this is because, more than once, actually 3 times I recall in the
time I've been playing (Not much), our flagship dropped at the battle ready screen.
Clearly this was an instant lose, and though we fought valiantly, it just wasn't possible
to rush their flagship with so much bombardment and massive swarms of interceptors
fending off our bomber attempts.

I just suggest that the flagship be declared AFTER all players have been confirmed to be
functional :P

  • Re : Assign Flagship after battle start.

    01. 03. 2011 15:18

OMG lol i hate noob flags DCing



  • Re : Assign Flagship after battle start.

    01. 03. 2011 06:13

Just simple change flag if actual is disconnect must be ok no?
''who said,who said,who said,echo,echoooo,echooooooo.

  • Re : Assign Flagship after battle start.

    01. 02. 2011 22:44

Agreed, something must be done about the crashing flag issue. This idea has merit.
I would rec, but I used up my daily one.

  • Re : Assign Flagship after battle start.

    01. 02. 2011 21:38

epic quad post!!!! a forum troll has been born

  • Re : Assign Flagship after battle start.

    01. 02. 2011 16:39

Who said there was a vote? He said exactly what you said. Anyway, I can't rec since I
honestly don't experience these flag crashes.

  • Re : Assign Flagship after battle start.

    01. 02. 2011 02:37

there is no way to predict who will drop out... but you shouldnt just keep making
posts about this... use the search function... and if there is already a topic (like you
said there is) reply to it and bump it to the top... then people will see it again, and if
they have anything to say about it, they will add it.

but on another note... this would be vary hard to impliment for SDE. Because if it
required everyone to vote... the matches would take forever to start because of the
AFK people, or those who arent paying attention.

A better idea, would be to have the game assign the flag ship title to a Carrier after
the game started... THIS way if a CV did crash, and the game was going to pick that
cv, the game can choose another CV.

But the bitter truth is, it happens... and there is nothing that can be done.. so if it
happens to your team, just retreat. There is no need to keep suggesting this,
because its not going to happen... your just going to have to live with it.