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  • We want SS5 and type IXD/42

    01. 03. 2011 05:24

Dear NF before you make again mistake, such as slow gradual evolution of type 7A,
C,and U-type flak(in NF)which was irrelevant in ww2;would be directly enhanced
version of type IX for SS5 KM we want to be beast not early version IXA:

TypeIXD/42 fast and long range(one FA-330 recon)

Most of the later were fitted with Schnorchel(snorkel)and some had extra radio
The minim Differences between typeVIIC and type IXD what are required are to see
in NF is:
The type is enter more fast in emergency dive,for that reasson the old Type VII is
hunted for direct order of Amiral Doenitz lonly not in WolfPack.

-The type IXD is dive more depth 200m,like no one allied or ijn submarines
and is survive more easy for deep charge weapons,is increase the chance of survival
with failure loads launched by allied destroyer,+30% more missed ASW.

-More aa weapons is add.
-New engine 2x1,400bhp(Type VIIC)17,2kt with 2x2200bhp(Type IXD)19,2kt ,
-Fast refull of air due to introduction device schnorchels-snorkel.
-Time dive is decrease underwater and most is survive under ASW detonation
charge of destroyer or plans.
-Five Type IX were passed to Japan! Get free to IJN BO to join those with all

To be impartial and fair propose these types of SS5:

KM: Type IXD(scout) or IXD/42
US: Tambor not Narwhal(irrelevant like U-flak)
IJN: Sto class(four DB) and type IXD+2lvl
UK: T class-Triton
IT: Flutto class
FR: Surcouf(scout)
*** you check my IP i see more your address enjoy punks.

  • Re : We want SS5 and type IXD/42

    01. 20. 2011 11:25

Nice try, you can sit there and claim your in the US as much as u want. But just so u
know...I've checked on your real location...and ur from the exact same place as MR. "LEMME
HAVE MORE OPED SUBS PL0X". Keep trying to spoof your IP though...won't fool me.

  • Re : We want SS5 and type IXD/42

    01. 20. 2011 09:14

jajaja recom

  • Re : We want SS5 and type IXD/42

    01. 19. 2011 02:24

i really like this idea but i think they already have it on navyfield......see!

  • Re : We want SS5 and type IXD/42

    01. 19. 2011 01:07


agein your mixing up NF > RL and your Star Trek or Star Wars imagination...

so some BB's where not eaven in project....funny argument.... lets play it your way...

since when did SUBS go 30+ knots UNDERWATER and 40+ knots on SURFACE in

I would need, time/date/year/links to your sources...

all so...I would need time/date/year/links to your sources of a SUB beeing able to
hold 37 torps, fire in intervals of 5s, surviving 6''-21'' shell size hits and still be able
to dive or rather live....

and all so....I need the data of a SUB wich killed 4 Carriers in 4min.....and a SUB data
of a sub beeing able to survive more then 2 torp hits and still dive.... long as you feel BB's are out of historical way and subs are fiting right

eather way...

untill subs are balanced...wich they prolly never will be....adding ANY more subs is
just plain retarded....but it's SDE anything can and prolly will happen...sig

not recced


  • Re : We want SS5 and type IXD/42

    01. 18. 2011 23:58

Of course still have players that use BBs and submarines just for fun, you can not find
all the correct arguments but you can try.
Because there are many BBs in NF that were not even in the project, where submarines have
played a significant role in ww2?; is a legitimate and logical question.

WE is =(equal) with 4+24% Poll subs.
Ukon is my brother and is hacker or not?

  • Re : We want SS5 and type IXD/42

    01. 12. 2011 11:45

Also leaderwolf you should edit the title from We want SS5 and type IXD/42 to I
want SS5 and type IXD/42. Since only you and the rest of junk players that are only
sub drivers want this.

  • Re : We want SS5 and type IXD/42

    01. 11. 2011 19:28

Lol, nabaal has made Altsein look very foolish, but then again that isn't hard.

As for SS5, there has never been any official OR unofficial conformation about SS5s or
anything above and beyond SS4 and until they are balanced the implementation of such a sub
would continue to ruin game balance.

*looks around at the usual sub fan-boys*

*wonders how long they would last in a BB1-5 Room in BB5s*

35 seconds with 0 attack.

  • Re : We want SS5 and type IXD/42

    01. 11. 2011 08:04

"You have a fake information or run out of lack ,yes SS5 is come."

wow dude can you pls use proper grammer so people can understand what your
saying, I barely understand this one sentance. If your gonna post at all try to make
it so people can understand what your ideas are.

Also Im pretty sure they won't be on the drawing board till atleast RN or maybe
even italy is release and balanced and that is still far off.

  • Re : We want SS5 and type IXD/42

    01. 11. 2011 05:51

@ Elliot

They have announced, SS5's is on the table, discussing or planning about it. They are
coming, but there is not yet a available date for when its released.

There is some clues that not just ss5 is coming but also SS6 and possibly Pss.

1st if you check the MN ss line, there is 6 of them. even if other nations only have 4,
that might be changed, same thing that happened with MN bb and cv line.

2nd. There is submarines that was never implemented in Navyfield, for example I-400. gato,
balao, and other submarines.

  • Re : We want SS5 and type IXD/42

    01. 11. 2011 00:46

you run out of false information or lack,SS5 is come so maybe we decide what type-class.
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