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  • Planes survive pls???

    01. 03. 2011 10:48

1 thing that i absolutely HATE about NF is when i am a CV with DBs about to unload
fury onto a BB3 and suddenly they disapear because the main ship died. It would be
better if they survive like torps.

Or even survive but then land on another cv and give them more planes wich in turn
would create much more competative gameplay in the closing moments of GB1-2.


  • Re : Planes survive pls???

    01. 04. 2011 00:04

Recc, It is only fair since your busy micromanaging your planes in a busy warzone that
you just forget to check your main ship. Planes should not disappear and should still be
controlable by the user until it crash to see when out of fuel.

  • Re : Planes survive pls???

    01. 03. 2011 12:07


This has been rec'd before. I have no idea why they dont change this. It is very
frustrating as a cv that all of you planes just blip out of existence when you sink.

Salvos dont disappear, HH dont disapear, mines dont disapear, torps dont disapear.

As much as I enjoy seeing enemy T4's disapear it really isnt fair. How many times
have you been torped by a kita long dead? Or sank by a salvo form a sunk ship?

How many kitas would you see if, especially in GBs, their torps disapeared after they
sank? Thats all kitas do in GBs is suicide runs to try and unload as many torps before
they sink. Then they just sit back, dead, and stack up the dmg. Its really just an xp

That flag who has dbs 2 seconds away from the other flag and gets sunk, should be
able to counter attack and finish his bombing run.

  • Re : Planes survive pls???

    01. 03. 2011 10:56

yeah i hate that too, you have fighters up chasing some incomming DB and get torpped by a
sub you loose the fighters and the BB6 gets crippled/sunk.

let us keep them untill they are shot down or run out of fuel.

you dont take the torp wall away when my kita gets killed, why take my planes away?

daily reccy used

  • Re : Planes survive pls???

    01. 03. 2011 10:49

Great Idea im right with u (recomended)