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  • Changing In-Game Text Size(possible colors changes?)

    01. 05. 2011 11:34

To start off, I'm not sure this happens on the other servers, but on bismarck, I believe
we need a bigger text size or a change in color to make it STAND OUT. The reason for this
is that, too many people just arn't paying attention to chat. I don't know what the reason
is but there has been a huge lack of teamwork(pretty bad as it is) because people won't
read the chat.

I've had countless games losts, such as flag rushing at a critical game changing point and
people are yelling/spamming at the flag meanwhile the flag is still cruising to its death
or bbs are not paying attention to sub warnings, get sunk and then blame it on the team
that no one warned him/her.

It is why I want to request a text size change or a color change in hopes that people
might actually start paying attention to chat in-game.

What are your thoughts?

  • Re : Changing In-Game Text Size(possible colors changes?)

    01. 06. 2011 10:48

9 times out of ten I'm to busy micro'ing my planes to realize where my cv ends up. I
lack multi-tasking so I typically send my cv straight north/south until I can devote my
time from my planes to my main carrier. But typically to get a cv's attention just aa
the hell out of boat, that usually gets them to wake up

  • Re : Changing In-Game Text Size(possible colors changes?)

    01. 06. 2011 02:59

"too many people just arn't paying attention to chat. I don't know what the reason
is but there has been a huge lack of teamwork(pretty bad as it is) because people
won't read the chat."

The reason why this is, is because people are not focoused on the text lines, they
are focoused on the enemy. For cv's, they are focoused on their planes.

  • Re : Changing In-Game Text Size(possible colors changes?)

    01. 05. 2011 11:44

Hmmm I personnaly havn't experianced anything like that and I like the chat the way
it is...


  • Re : Changing In-Game Text Size(possible colors changes?)

    01. 05. 2011 11:43

I just think they have to remove the Macro's,,

So you don't need a bigger or coloured text,
So i don't Recommend this,

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