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  • Noob with Mines/HH

    01. 06. 2011 11:40

OK, I've never used mines or HH, but this last event gave me hundreds of each, so
I'm gonna start using them.
1. How do I use the HH I have without it having me buy whenever I load on ship?
Ammo that is. I'm using the Mark 10 x7 launchers.
2. I have 500 mines. How do I even begin to use them? Put on ship and launch?
Thanks for any help.

  • Re : Noob with Mines/HH

    01. 22. 2011 10:20

in regards to the losing mines thing, i put one mine on my CV for like 12 games or so,
just to see how it works, and when i didnt use them, i still lost them, although i may be
getting mixed up and i might have loaded 10 and just sunk or something. but i would
save them for stuff like HA and stuff, etc.

  • Re : Noob with Mines/HH

    01. 10. 2011 05:46

yes, sell teh ammo before you sell the gun .. this is a glitch that has never been fixed.

anyways, if you are missing like over 50 because you sold your guns without knowing
or forgetting to sell the ammo first just make a support ticket for a refund

  • Re : Noob with Mines/HH

    01. 09. 2011 10:26

You only lose the ones you use during games. You will only lose what you have loaded if
you sell the ship, or the guns without taking the HHs off the ammo lockers

  • Re : Noob with Mines/HH

    01. 08. 2011 11:30

i don't remember where i did read it, if in nf-guides or here on the forum...
you should do some research or some tries :/

  • Re : Noob with Mines/HH

    01. 06. 2011 20:56

Yep your right. But the question still remains would I lose 18 if I was sunk and hadent
launched them yet?

  • Re : Noob with Mines/HH

    01. 06. 2011 18:31

^^ Each 1 in the item window is a bind of 7. so in your case thats only 18.

  • Re : Noob with Mines/HH

    01. 06. 2011 18:04

"Also they are the rich people ammo, as if i recall correct, and u sink without even
shooting a single PHH, u will lose every bind u loaded in the ship."

Can anyone confirm this? So if this is correct and I load 3 binds of PHH on all 6 of my T
slots I lose 126 (3 binds X 7 per bind X 6 launchers) PHH out of my inventory? That cant
be right?

  • Re : Noob with Mines/HH

    01. 06. 2011 18:00

As above said the mines are like torpedoes, however in my personal experience i
have found that they seem to be slightly more powerful than torpedos. Or at the
very least, they do a ton of damage.

  • Re : Noob with Mines/HH

    01. 06. 2011 17:25

the correct way to use PHH is load as many guns u have and rush a bb4+ and kill
a bb 80+ levels higher than you with a few shots.

they also have another use, you can shoot even ss, but it's just a waste of good
Also they are the rich people ammo, as if i recall correct, and u sink without even
shooting a single PHH, u will lose every bind u loaded in the ship.

As i'm not that rich i can't confirm as i fear such a loss of premium shells and i keep
them for special occasion (like harbour assault, etc)

as for mines u have 3 possible ways of using them:
1) load an SS1 with mines in the rear slot, using a torpedoman, and create a cluster
of mines in some crucial area (like in the icebergs map, one of the 3 passageways)
2)load mine launcher on a dd-cl-ca and start deploying a field of mines, but being
u are a vulnerable target.
3)load them on scouts, and drop a mine at the path of a bb while it is distracted.

they act like torps, so u can do 10k damage with a single mine on a bb...
also they have the same problem of the premium shells (PHH) and if u sink u should
lose the quantity u loaded in the ship(not confirmed as above)

  • Re : Noob with Mines/HH

    01. 06. 2011 13:43

The proper way to use PHH is load them on a ship (FF, DD, CL with sonarman, or CA
with escort) and chill behind the BB line and nuke a sub on sight.

The lol way to use PHH is load them on an FFx or y and rush a BB, PCA, threatening
capital ship in blitz, get withing poking range and blast 28-35 PHH broadside to insta-kill
'em. Then brag about how alpha you are.
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