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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • PCL vs PCA

    01. 06. 2011 16:39

Unfortunatly, with the web page coin count problem I stopped trying on January 1st
and 2nd, and thus missed my chance to get the IJN PBB.
So I now have 12 coins and am debating whether to get the IJN PCL or the IJN PCA.

Any thoughts/advice/comments on which to choose?

  • Re : PCL vs PCA

    01. 12. 2011 05:12

I'd get 1 of the Moltke's, either is good.
Remember you don't need a BO to use premium ships.

  • Re : PCL vs PCA

    01. 12. 2011 02:46

i choose the PCL its good for lvling crew on blitz or GB!!!

  • Re : PCL vs PCA

    01. 12. 2011 02:11

get Dhonburi and Texas or Dhonburi or Bayern.

Dhon is the best option for leveling crews 22-42 in blitzes.

  • Re : PCL vs PCA

    01. 07. 2011 15:37

Hmm, would it be a good choice if I get the IJN PCL and then another nation's PCL

In that case I would have to pick another nation to a lvl a crew for,
can anyone remind me of the strengths of each nation?

  • Re : PCL vs PCA

    01. 07. 2011 15:22

the only good premium ship for ijn is pcv, so spend your coin on something else.

  • Re : PCL vs PCA

    01. 07. 2011 08:52

level US to 38 get a texas. Pocket CA ftw.

Or if you have KM at higher level, get a bayern, throw 11" on it and lol in GBs.

IJN PCL is useless, the PCA even worse.

Asama used to be the scout sniping AA whore, but with new Moltke for MN, it became totally
worthless. Especially since the classing of IJN AA gunners means you'll prolly be AA less
till the mid 80s....which means you won't be at PCA level then.

Also its optimal gun are the fuso's N.

You also will be way past using a PCA then.

  • Re : PCL vs PCA

    01. 06. 2011 18:42

If you have another nation's crew, I might recommend you go for those premium ships instead.

The PCL is a fairly good/fun toy in blitz. Depending on your skill, crew, and setup, you
may be more effective in it than in your conventional DD/CL. I list it as a toy because
for crew leveling, it has no more crew slots than a normal CL (eg: the Yubari that all BOs
can use), and any non-sub BO can mess around with a Mogami/Myoko CA for AAing. And those
CAs have at least 2.5x the broadside of the Dhonburi combined with a better FCS...

The PCA is a poor tool. You're going to have serious problems with the "main" guns at
level due to the low shell count. The AA slots, while there, provide a limited broadside.
At-level, the low firepower of the dual 4.7s will cause you serious problems. The 3.9 As
work better, but give you no no more than over a Pensacola. And then there are those
Moltkes... It's not a toy because it can be effective in AA support, and carry a lot of
crew for leveling purposes. But given the Mogami/Myoko's ability to put up decent AA
(with regular gunners or high level AA gunners), and that you really don't want AA gunners
to be classed as such for a long time, you tend to get good AA with the Asama when it's
less needed.

  • Re : PCL vs PCA

    01. 06. 2011 16:49

I dont have an ijn crew but if you have 12 coins you could get both the ijn pcl and
another nation pcl