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  • how to class UK gunner (in order)

    01. 08. 2011 02:14

acc --> acc? or
rld --> rld

my gunners are elite acc gunners base 13/11 (as you already know)
if i class to rld they lose a hell lot of acc growth, and so the otherwise

i just dont want to class to the wrong decision
ps sorry for my bad english

  • Re : how to class UK gunner (in order)

    03. 21. 2011 04:51

sorry for reviving this post again >.>
but anyway what if i can only have60 vet per gunner and cant boost it?
what lvl do i reach the cap?

  • Re : how to class UK gunner (in order)

    01. 24. 2011 12:39

Yes, we know the acc cap at lvl120, but not the exact formula. If someone lend me a lvl
60ish 13/11 accuracy classed vell vetted, experted gunner, i'll try to figure out the
accuracy cap at that lvl. When we will have this info, we can fit a linear.


  • Re : how to class UK gunner (in order)

    01. 24. 2011 06:15

You only claim to know the acc cap at 120, but you don't have a formula to calculate
when gunners reach the acc cap.
Without that formula, we don't know the new acc cap.

  • Re : how to class UK gunner (in order)

    01. 24. 2011 04:41

We know the new accuracy and reload caps. The new reload cap is exactly 2.6mill true
reload ability. The new accuracy cap is between 1.62mill and 1.7mill true accuracy ability
at lvl120. So the best you can do with your gunners is to get a 13/11 elite acc gunner and
class it (late classing- 5-10lvl to gain more acc) to reload gunner.

Check this out:


  • Re : how to class UK gunner (in order)

    01. 24. 2011 03:28

"about 2.5-2.7 M true reload ability"
hmm, that sucks.

I based mine on Adelbert: "2070k true reload ability", so with 100 vets you would hit the
cap at level 106 assuming boosted elite acc and full experts.

If it's really 2.7million true ability then elite acc classed as acc will need about 132
vets at level 120 to hit the reload cap...

  • Re : how to class UK gunner (in order)

    01. 24. 2011 01:26

ACC cap is unknown for now, just use the old numbers and add 5-10 levels to be

Reload cap for standard bve acc gunners ( 10 or 11 base reload ) is at about lvl 120
( or about 2.5-2.7 M true reload ability). That is why going for acc gunners is a total

  • Re : how to class UK gunner (in order)

    01. 23. 2011 05:40

"Classing gunners to Accuracy is just a total fail."

Mine seem to work OK ;P

BTW does anyone know what the new caps are? That's probably more to the point.

  • Re : how to class UK gunner (in order)

    01. 23. 2011 02:28

Actually he doesn't have a point.

I made some calculations under the old caps and I wasn't impressed.
If you delay classing to reload a few levels, you won't hit the caps any earlier. When
you wait 10 levels or so you gain maybe 1 or 2 levels and if you wait until lvl 65
when you would have to class to huge gunners you'd have gained maybe 4 -5 levels.
But the reload cap will go up about the same or even more levels than you gain in
acc cap.
And if you were using the gunners you're stuck using the 8" N's as best/biggest
It's just not practical and it's not worth all the effort for too little gain.

Classing gunners to Accuracy is just a total fail.

  • Re : how to class UK gunner (in order)

    01. 22. 2011 14:26

Volvo has a valid point (I didn't know this before, thanks Volvo).

If you delay classing gunner -> acc. heavy or gunner -> reload heavy, you will end up
with a higher overall ability and more balance between acc and reload. This is because
when you class them they gain +8 in the preferred stat, but lose -10 in the other.

Though I'm not sure what the optimum level to class would be in order to reach both the
caps as early as possible. In the end it probably doesn't make that much difference.

Only problem is you can't use some of the guns without classing - no block-shotting York :(

  • Re : how to class UK gunner (in order)

    01. 22. 2011 13:54

volvo wrote:

Your talking like a kid with no experience at all.............*

what ever rocks your boat

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