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  • This CV Setup Any Good At All?

    01. 09. 2011 09:56

I know when it comes down to CV setups it should mostly be on your personal opinion but
for a UK Carrier is the setup of 5 fighters and 3 bombers any good. I have lways heard
people talking about 4 FF and 4 TB or 6 FF and 2 TB but I never seen on the forums a
person who claims to use this setup so that's why i am asking.

  • Re : This CV Setup Any Good At All?

    01. 10. 2011 19:01

hey ducky, i drive a pcv, i use 6 fp and 2 tb. send them up in 3 waves of 4/4/3 ftrs and
5/6 tb's

on a cv 4 i use 3/3/3 ftrs and 4/5 tb's at later levels your going to need a good
compliment of fighter pilots. try to aim for a balanced feel when controlling them.

personally i would find 5 fp a little difficult to manage as it would be something like 3
and 2. if you had 2 waves of 3 fp loading each time for a total of 9 planes on a cv4 its
really easy to manage and your firepower stays consistant across the 3 sqauds in the
individual waves.

dont worry to much about bombers, they are any how. so long as you drop the bombs or fire
off those torps at the right time they are good to go.

cv is about getting used to fighters. some people use 8 fp which i think is just too
taxing on the old fingers. thats 4 fingers youll be useing to control 4 waves of in cv6 i
tried 8 and its just way to many buttons to push. i was comfortable with 6 fp.

then you have players who only use 4 fp. they just take way way to long to load. imagine
loading a sqaud of 6 t4 planes in a cv5 or 6. it takes along along time. you need to be
able to put up as many as you can as quickly as you can and still be able to keep track of
them and control them for max effectiveness.

leaving your planes to auto fight will get them killed you have to control them. i.e. drag
them and let them reinguage.

dont worry about armour, but stick some bulge on to buy some time from pesky sub players.
thats pretty much it.

cv is as easy as you make it. you can either have way to many buttons to push or too few.
you gotta find that comparrison that suits your feel on the keyboard while playing.

have fun :)

  • Re : This CV Setup Any Good At All?

    01. 09. 2011 23:00

I run 2 attack pilots and 3 bomber pilots on my CV1 for the UK.

with only a handful of F5U Mark Is on board for local defense over your deck and the
rest being all torpedo planes (4/20 or whatever you're comfortable with).

you have to look at a few things, not just pilots. quite frankly, low lever CV attack
planes are food for the higher level CVs. the F5U is quite potent firepower, but it's got
very small fuel tank. so it's useful for keeping enemy planes out from above you.

the second thing to look at, is that UK dive bombers aren't that good compared to the
torpedo planes.

look up for information on both your sailors, and your planes and go with what works
best for your own personal preferences, and what's practical for your needs.

  • Re : This CV Setup Any Good At All?

    01. 09. 2011 12:32

5/3 is the best setup for a balanced approach. For CV4+, dividing your bomber planes in
groups of is best because they can quickly be loaded while your fighters are in the air. I
would also never reccomend doing what is stated above and using 2 types of bombers on a CV
at the same time. This limits how many of each plane a pilot has access too and limits
your effectiveness with each plane type. FAB and RFAB both spell out "Fail CV".

For a 5/3 setup (using CV4 for example) it is best to do a 3/3/3 fighter launch for early
scout clearing, next a 4/4 for distracting/clearing enemy fighters, a 3/3/3 bomber launch,
and finally a 3/3/3 fighter launch to get your fighters back in the air quickly. Modify
that launch pattern as needed for different tier CVs.

  • Re : This CV Setup Any Good At All?

    01. 09. 2011 12:14

Hi there,

I find this works for me, 5 fighters, 1 tb and 2 db, even though UK tb are really good i
only use tb for subs when needed or annoying little buggers that come near to you lol, i
tend to fighter mostly but will send db's over but only once i have control of my side of
the map because i hate losing planes.

At start i send 3,3,3 fighters then 5,5 fighters, most of the time i can launch 5,5 db's
straight after if i keep my fighters out low on fuel, if not just another quick set of 3,3,3
and seems to work.

have fun thats what its all about ;)

  • Re : This CV Setup Any Good At All?

    01. 09. 2011 12:10

I'm still sorta new to CV but I think this might apply for you too.

On my KM CV, and in general we use 6/2 ratio (fighter/db). Now I know your using TB but
the same principle should apply here. That way you can keep fighters up at a constant
rate, and be able to have TB out too.

Then again, it depends on your style too. If you want to FW keeping them blind or TW
keeping the pressure on them. I always thought a good mix was best though.