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  • Resetting the ability of sailors

    01. 17. 2011 06:19

I think it is a good thing and helpfull for a lot of users to reset the ability for any
sailor you want to the basic ability before reaching lvl 25 let's say (or any other lvl
you want) with a fee to pay (of course).
This will help users that create sailors who do not need (like i did with the KM Medic)
or want a different type of sailor from the sailors he has.

  • Re : Resetting the ability of sailors

    01. 17. 2011 09:32

Moved to the Proper forum

  • Re : Resetting the ability of sailors

    01. 17. 2011 07:57

thats a good idea but for gods sake lets not think up more things that the player
base will have to spend money on as there are allready far far to many silly things
that are for sale and some of the items are far to expence and simply exploit some
peoples weaknesses to have to buy buy buy like a alchoholic and gaming companys
know this and dollar you to death or in nf's case some things are far more than a

i have nothing against anyone wanting to earn a dollar but its sickening the amount
of money that these online games charge and they know when they see a sucker
thatll buy virtual things that you will never hold.

theres a point where you really have to look at your life and leave the computer
alone more often and spend your money on things you can hold in your hands ,like a
woman for instance

it would be better if people would allow themselfs to be suckerd in but as the saying

''theres a sucker born every day''


  • Re : Resetting the ability of sailors

    01. 17. 2011 07:40

is this a suggestion? maybe it needs to go there

  • Re : Resetting the ability of sailors

    01. 17. 2011 07:37

You can get to lvl25 in a day or two... I don't think people will pay for something like
that when they can just dismiss and create a new one.

  • Re : Resetting the ability of sailors

    01. 17. 2011 06:24

Interesting idea that should be taken into consideration.
I also have sailors that I create and now i do not need them because I choose CV
I also think that not only the ability to be resetted also the nationality.