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  • Fleet Websites

    01. 17. 2011 23:57

How about fleet websites added to the navyfield website?

The fleet master and one other member could have access to edit fleet calendars, fleet
news, fleet only forums, and other fleet only areas. If someone wants to join a fleet or
is looking for one, they could look over all the fleet websites for their server.

When they become a member of a fleet, the fleet master or whoever they appoint as a fleet
website master could add that person to the fleet ranks and give them more access to the
fleet website.

There could be widgets, news tickers and loads of other things for the fleet.

This way all the fleets in game would not have to set up their own websites for their
members and navy field could use this information to add things like battle results and
player info to their website, through the fleet information hosted on their website.


  • Re : Fleet Websites

    01. 20. 2011 02:29

well whatever they're doing its better than what you're suggesting. every fleet has a
different website because theyre different. if you hate your fleet's website that much
then find another fleet.

  • Re : Fleet Websites

    01. 20. 2011 02:19


sde has never fixed bugs... whenever they do a patch, it just adds more bugs. there are
bugs still that have been here since beta...

things like the zoom bug, fleet bug....

besides, only a handful of sde employees actually do the coding for the game, others work
in billing, other in management, others in website, others in marketing, etc., etc.

well if you were an adult, you would know that is how companies work....

  • Re : Fleet Websites

    01. 20. 2011 00:52

i dont see why sde should waste time on this when they can use the time to fix bugs.

  • Re : Fleet Websites

    01. 18. 2011 19:08

Yes, except that is just the listing on the different fleet websites around the internet.
What I am suggesting is fleet website that are hosted on that have the same
web design as the game website. So it looks more professional.

The other aspect of this, is it will allow TeamNF to be active in the fleet websites and
be able to tell when a fleet disbands or becomes inactive. This way they can delete them
from the Clan Community > Clan Site area.

I was in a fleet one time. that fleet has since disbanded. The leader of that fleet was
banned from the game from what I have heard. But that fleet is still listed in the Clan
Site. Imagine having a clan site that has the same format as the game website.

  • Re : Fleet Websites

    01. 18. 2011 06:27

go to> clan community-> clan site.