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  • Subs for Germany

    01. 20. 2011 08:25

Anyone know when Germany will be getting new Subs, Germany needs new subs to keep up the

  • Re : Subs for Germany

    03. 15. 2011 19:32

I completely agree with your disclaimer. I myself have a UK BB2, SS4 and Ark Royal. I
just started a KM line a couple of days ago to mix it up a bit. I'm on Z99 right now and
trying to decide what tree to follow. CV driver is a very ungrateful (albeit fun) job.

I haven't played my SS for a while, cos there is nowhere to go next and my crew is
getting too heavy for it. I'd like to see an SS5 and stretching the levels a bit.

  • Re : Subs for Germany

    03. 08. 2011 22:49

Ok, glad i have a chance to address some of the biggest garbage out there from BB
involving SS. First of all, I have sunk many, many BB. Of all types. Never. EVER. Ever,
have i one shotted one. Not 2, 3, or 4 will do it. (ok maybe a BB1 if you are IJN and
none pass under) Usually for a good BB, it will take a full load to take bulge and SD
then another load to finish it, though for BB 5 and 6 it will take some of a third load
to finish. So wow, not sure how that differs from getting 1 or 2 shotted by an enemy
BB, in the grand scheme. You talk about relative levels, as if that matters. You always
use th "when a lvl 47 can kill my BB6, blah blah blah.." Lol, dude, if you are in a BB6
that gets taken down by an SS1, quit the game. Thats like my housecat taking down
a deer. No, in that case, maybe you take a torp or 2, then you just leave. Thats right
, just drive away... know what a sub can do about that? Nada. Zip. Zilch. We are
slow. We say buh bye and seek another target. But oh, by then our air is out. Guess
what happens then? we surface and get killed. But back to the level thing. I can take
a neut crew, get to lvl 12 and go kill lvl 90+SS. Like nothing. Someone said to make
SS more vulnerable to HH? You on drugs? If HH lands anywhere near you, you are at
least crippled. And DC? Oh sh*t, forget that, those just tool you, end of story.
Someone mentioned the ASW CA, which are freaks of nature and pretty much
undefeatable unless ur real real lucky. SOmeone said SS have tons of air? Hah. Even
the fact that it can run out in the time frame of GB at all cracks me up. Really. Really?
A 'submarine' that can only be under for 4-7 min? What a joke. What SS drivers have
now is a nerfed little SS-like joke that BB whiners have shaped them into with their
crying and moaning. Only the very very best SS drivers are anything at all what most
BB portray every SS to be. See, I dont rly mind all of the nerfing tho, it just makes it
so much more satisfying to pull off a big run and sink many ships. My main gripe at all
is the whining from ppl who dont realize that to nerf SS anymore would make them
COMPLETELY useless, as opposed to the hit or miss status they have now. That , and
like they said above, you take an xp hit for being too far above your ship. We need
more spaced out , if for only a repaint and new lvl designation. Thats not asking a
hell of a lot. And hey BB guys, cant you just be satisfied with killing anything on the
surface in one shot incliding SS? And other than that, having to watch out for planes
and ss? Is that way too much to put on your manual shooting super skilled
shoulders. I would think true players would welcome the challenge.

Only thing I will say on behalf of BB drivers: Capital Ships need sonar. Period. Its not
fair, and they shouldnt have to have an escort to get it. Then it can be their choice
whether to be 'run from ss' or 'kill ss with HH' .
Disclaimer: I have a few BB and am getting more and more addicted, also drive CV,
so im not just biased for SS since it is my only deal. I just do them all and get tired of
the SS hating as much as i get tired of ppl hassling CV players, even when im not
playing one. CV, another job that is a lot more involved than just driving up and
down the map and hitting the spacebar.

  • Re : Subs for Germany

    03. 05. 2011 13:43

cool pictures could you render in the ss5 and ss6 subs id love to see that

  • Re : Subs for Germany

    02. 13. 2011 02:19


Ukon is my brother tnf,mod,gm, or other pathetic spy 007,... i have a lots friends in
sunday),follow him more recom :P ;about non friend=rehor,sindher and 90% of rusty head
+40lvl nothing bad.

hey Mesy you find the mini sub here:

but the $DE still is fallen to copy the ship.

  • Re : Subs for Germany

    02. 11. 2011 10:14

@phead - I completely agree. Subs were used for interdiction of supply lanes more than
anything. During major surface battles they were primarily used for scouting or picket
duty. The only change to this was in 1944 when Admiral Lockwood received intelligence that
the Japanese were running out of escort ships. He then ordered subs to prioritize
destroyers and smaller escort ships for a time. But even then that was also still used as
a way to restrict the Japanese supply lines.

  • Re : Subs for Germany

    02. 11. 2011 08:55


the subs were not meant to destroy warships, but to destroy the supply lines .. both in
the atlantic and pacific.

The japs managed to sink 2 carriers I think, but luckily for ht eUS due to fuel concerns
had to restrict themselves to fleet warfare where submarines are much less effective.

In fact the US submarines were so effective against Japanese supply lines in the Pacific
that the Japanese had to transport supplies to island garrisons via submarine.

  • Re : Subs for Germany

    02. 11. 2011 07:59

@ Voss - No, BBs weren't the decisive arm either but that wasn't the purpose of this
thread. Also, as a side note, only 2 battleships and 1 battlecruiser were sunk in the
entire war by submarines.

@ Joko - BB6s can't carry sonar. By themselves, they can't be considered L120
destroyers. For the most part, they are usually getting their sub kills when they surface.
In fact, I'd say the BBs blasting subs out of the water as they run out of air is one of
the most incredibly unrealistic aspects of this game. Only once in history did a
battleship sink a submarine, and it was Dreadnought ramming a uboat in WW I.

I would like to see them take HH away from BBs. It is demoralizing for a DD to get a sub
on sonar and move in for the kill and suddenly have a 40,000 ton Bismark come roaring in
at 35+ knots blazing away with HH. This is probably the 2nd most unrealistic thing in the

Changing the level of your subs isn't what initially was said. Initially, you said that
Germany needs new subs to keep up the fight. Spreading out the levels so that you can
advance your crews is a different idea and completely understandable.

@ Sigmazero - I agree with everyone of those suggestions. That, in itself, is worthy of a
topic suggestion.

  • Re : Subs for Germany

    02. 10. 2011 22:26

@ Lionel2

"However, they still weren't the decisive arm"

Neither were BBs.

  • Re : Subs for Germany

    02. 10. 2011 11:01

Hmm I think it would be a nice idea to have a split up sub tree.
Like 1 Tree with subs created for hunting other submarines. (being swift and mobile but
not carrying so many weapons)
and another Tree with subs created for hunting enemy Capital ships. (huge firepower, but
not nearly as fast)

That would make playing submarines a lot more tactical.
In general I agree the SS Tree could be stretched a bit more for the levels, though I like
the early start for SS since it is a good boost of motivation for new players.

  • Re : Subs for Germany

    02. 10. 2011 07:37

I don't understand how a KM torpedo SLAMS into the hull of my Yamato, then can
SCRAPE under across the hull, then as if it magically didn't "hear" my ship port side,
realizes starboard side that there is a boat near it, and detonates.

That needs to be fixed.

And if your ship is not moving, then there should be no acoustic detonation, right? I'm
sure this will fly over well with you 12 year old sub drivers ..
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