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  • NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    01. 20. 2011 10:07

NUBBLES TIMES (Issue 31, 20th January 2011)

Mr. Nubbles Assange's, whilst attempting to fix the USS Maryland sprite problem caused
by the NF government, reportedly confirmed rumours of EBB3-4 and ECVs. This article will
feature his latest findings.

A phone call made by Nubbles Times to Mr. Assange notes that the 17-year old NF-player
is both excited by his findings as well as concerned. When questioned, Nubbles replied:
"Knowing our government, we will never get this balanced. Never. If we have problems
from the recent EBB ships already, then what hope is left for the players of NF?"

Nevertheless, Nubles also noticed some special observations based on the recent leaks.
"Firstly, it appears MN will not get any EBB/ECV of any sort. This, of course, may generate
major criticisms on our government. Another interesting observation is that the KM might
not get a EBB3 due to the KM EBB2 being a BB3. Instead, it appears KM will have two ECVs,
one a Seydlitz and another a Graf Zeppelin. In other words, we are witnessing a ECV1 and
ECV2. It is still not known yet, but I'll get back to you guys once I have more info."

Stay tuned for live updates!


EBB3 (South Dakota - Unknown)

EBB4 (Iowa - Unknown)

ECV (Yorktown - Enterprise)


EBB3 (Hood - Unknown)

EBB4 (Unknown - Unknown)

ECV (Illustrious - Unknown)


EBB3 (Nagato - Mutsu)

EBB4 (Yamato - Unknown)

ECV (Unryu - Unknown)


EBB3 (Unknown - Unknown)

EBB4 (H39 - H41)

ECV1 (Seydlitz - Alvensleben)

ECV2 (Graf Zeppelin - von Richtenhof)

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    05. 07. 2011 00:24

does anyone else want to post

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    04. 15. 2011 19:28

I still think the KM should get the Tirpitz as the EBB3 and the H41 can be the EBB4

Also while the IJN gets the Mutsu for the EBB3 the EBB4 would be the Musashi

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    04. 15. 2011 16:03

Lets see the UK EBB 3 should be the HMS Duke of York while the HMS Temeraire here are two
expample of what the colour should be from two other websites

HMS Duke of york (KGV)

HMS Temeraire (lion)

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    04. 15. 2011 15:05

I just noticed that these ships look exactly like the screwed up SN sprites before they
were fixed.....

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    04. 15. 2011 06:51

Replace the Hood with the Duke of York (King George V class) and example of colour is here

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    04. 09. 2011 12:38

Awesome event ships! I'm glad to see the Enterprise in NF at last.

The Event CVs look awesome as well.

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    04. 07. 2011 00:44

when will they be released ? Which event and when ?

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    04. 06. 2011 23:00

Why choose the Hood as the EBB3 for the UK. It would of been better if they chose the
Rodney as she was one of the UK battleships that were part of the battle that saw the
sinking of the Bismark or the Duke of York which sunk the Schamhorst

Also I think the Musashi would of been the choice for the IJN

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    03. 02. 2011 08:27

I am planning to release the Washington sometime later to see if I can do something about
the Battlesprite. The Enterprise is on NGP, but with the MS33 camo rather than the custom
one in the pic above.

@Menochinese: Currently, no. But I'll look into it in the future.

  • Re : NFLeaks (NFL): EBB3-4 and ECV

    03. 02. 2011 05:28

Those are nice sprites Nubbles. And I agree, your Enterprise does look wayyyy

Where can I download them?
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