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  • They killed Navyfield!

    01. 21. 2011 12:34


Want to make more interesting and exciting navyfield (cool, good idea ... but ...), if the
decisions are bad snuff, it does absolutely not make the game better ....

All the 'improvements' for 2-4 years have only led to the loss of the biggest and best
players (not just because he took of age, or because they are on to other servers, but
they are no longer there to say ... even if 1 or 2 noob will say no ...)

I do not know what happened to SDE has in recent years, changing team or financial
difficulties, but it obvious that the database project navyfield is completely lost on the
way, and I ask myself some questions ... for example, how many programmers behind al nf
are still there? What is the purpose of navyfield today? Make a game noob auto fcs, a game
arcade what? Consist of players with 15000 battles for 60-70% of defeats? (Mostly 80-90%
of players) Just this example shows one side of the problem ... yes nf is a noob game now
.... normal because it attracts noobs, simply remove the FCS auto mode (or come back real
'malus') just to see how to stop playing, iron the old system of experience just to see
also ... for example ah! A better idea yet, ask all the players today what they know since
the beginning of navyfield. (And prepare to be disappointed ...)

SDE, you need to know what you want!

A game with a small community of gamers (but with good players who pay. Interresting
battles and constant evolution of the level of play ..) With a few disadvantages too, but
they are really not important to compare the following.

Or a game with a great community of gamers (extended over several servers, some far from
being full), battles with a crappy level of play that fall month after month (normal since
we are dealing with the whole mass of players 'means' to not say 'bad', who does not think
further than their noses, arrogant, incompetent, but the worst is that they believe to be

They spend their time saying no matter what, but when come the time to cross the line
opponent, they do not know how to do it ... 15000 battles of experience to give what?
nothing ... Fortunately there are still some really good players (and even much better
than me, but how? 10%?)

So I can say that only 10% of players navyfield interest me today .... all others are big
noobs. Is this what you want, nde? That when we talk about navyfield in the world, we are
saying is a set of crude and stupid kids? Because that is already the case ... and it is
your fault!

For my part, and at first, navyfield was simply the best game in the world, the best idea
ever think the best concept ever realized, but it became the best dream ... lol...

And now they leave us the new nations, which is very well indeed in being objective, but
with all the problems around .... and I am pretty sure all this will drift in the pure
sense of the game to consumption! And not the enrichment! That's my idea, now, that
remains to be seen ... (f#@% the capitalisme...again...)

Please think about my reasoning, and the departure of the ideas I have said here. This is
the future navyfield you make now, it's not too late, and know that the 75% that attract
new players in this way each year will not stay long, they are only shooting stars .. ..

And fucking do something for GB2, It's amazing to see the red message at the beginning of
the game .... seriously, it's crazy! And again and again, many other problems .... Do not
validate a system that works not 100% or which may jeopardize the interest of simple play.
No shit! Before add new nation...........................................

I might even say, full of things, but all I'm going to win it again poor appreciation of
the entire community ... I just wanted to start a topic that nobody dares to even na ...
(note that I am not sure but I think ...)

google traduction...sorry, thx to read it and never forget when i say noob, this is
absolutly not pejorative... I want to help if they are willing to listen me! Well we need
to redefine what a noob first! A starting player? Or an experienced player who did not
understand the game that despite its BB6?

  • Re : They killed Navyfield!

    01. 26. 2011 22:47

"ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, fail thread "

what about a suggestion to to make some people look like they have no use on the forum
other people can ignore them before they are slapped with stupidity

  • Re : They killed Navyfield!

    01. 26. 2011 20:51

Well there is alot of BB6 players and few DDs, 5 years ago it was alot DDs and CLs few
BBS, i think things changed but we need to impruve to come more DDS, and plz we need
harder xp rate to force ppl use DDs more in GB2. =) I miss the old times like dds and Cls
fight at middle and BBS at far away =p and alot dds and cls shoting in bbs LOL

  • Re : They killed Navyfield!

    01. 21. 2011 18:11

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, fail thread

  • Re : They killed Navyfield!

    01. 21. 2011 18:09

You're right, my language is bad, I can be more understandable and more correct because I
want to do something for Navyfield. I did never do on the forum, but in the game I always
tried. My main problem is well on the practice of English ... and especially because I
believe in the right interpretation of others. It is a mistake laziness! I assume. That
said, is to have even at a time or respect want nothing more to say and or do not take the
lead for 3 ugly words, but ok! I am willing to try!
I'll do a better job tomorrow by providing a few concrete ideas directly to the GB2, the
experience system, and developer to better explain what I meant.

Lionel2, first of all thank you for your constructive reply!
I agree! This is not exactly what I wanted to say but it's my fault. I have no particular
problems with the new players in practice and it is also partly not their fault if it does
not develop properly, it is the fault of the latest admin(s) decisions first and then all
of us!
Also, I always keep in mind that this is a game, and players have the right to play as he
saw fit, they have a few rules to follow but overall they are happily free, but these the
players do not pose a problem in general. I would explain all this better too. Ah! And I
love navyfield. And I love to see it develop, it's just a matter of some adjustment
byzarres among others that make the game incoherent. Sometimes even that gives no desire
to play, I'm not ashamed to say!

Mikester, thank you for your participation!

1) I think it has its place here, the worse it will be the next post. And if the admin
does not agree, I guess he can just transfer him where he wants. No?
2) no comment lol ^ ^
3) It's already better? I hope.
4) Yes it's a fact! And I talk like an idiot. That is right! The difference is that I have
strong arguments in the game, I have an average level for all, a good level bb 4-5, and an
exellent level Doria, with whom I can say without any pretensions that I am in Top 3 Doria
in Arizona, where I developed a mastery that I found in any players. Especially how to
exploit the turning force. I still have much to learn, of course ... and you learn all the
time, besides, I never considered that I was good, although I played the best of shape! So
I do not consider this category, because if I can annoy people, it can at least count on
me for the team!
5) It's hard yes, but it should obviously not take this statistic to the letter, it must
also interpret, observe and know the player, knowing what was in the port ... etc. but
this gives a very good idea, knowing as we do not play such a moment has the other also ...
6) Yes, yes but do not imagine that I hit my fist on the keyboard like Super Pissed off,
hahaha no it's much lighter than that and do not take it wrong! It is to give the
intensity, hehe but ok if you not advance!
7) Good! As I already said, I like navyfield, and that's because I love him, I finally
decided to try something. I watched and say things 2 years ago already. Who are arriving
today! Not things that I consider good or not for me, but the good of the game .. I will
come back too.
8) Help me define what a noob already, despite only 2 possibilities, I have the right! And
then when we first said noob, how nice and cute, then what it is? Unless we say stupid
noob, it's not nice! lol! ^ ^
And for the last sentence, well listen it's a shame!

I come back tomorow for better explain!

  • Re : They killed Navyfield!

    01. 21. 2011 16:49

mate to start with 6 yrs ago u were a noob and now u think your a big shot welcome back to
the world of reality the wold keeps moving forward everyday and so does the game, and with
out the noobs comeing in to replace ageing players haveing familys and such you wouldn't
have anyone to play with just waiting for the top 10% to come online, and i dont see you
trying to help them program the game or anything just a winer who didnt even put this in
the proper spot this isnt a suggestion but a complaint of someone not getting what they want.

asking for this forum page to be locked/deleted

  • Re : They killed Navyfield!

    01. 21. 2011 16:17

I understand what you are saying, but posting on a forum makes no differnce

hasnt 6 years of being a skilled player taught u anything ...

if u want to make a change, u need to write to them using pen and paper or call them.

here are SDE contact details

  • Re : They killed Navyfield!

    01. 21. 2011 16:03

lol thx for saving me time.

a dude claims to be a top player and uses win% to back it up. funny

  • Re : They killed Navyfield!

    01. 21. 2011 15:27

I'm sorry...i don't understand this...why is it here?

If you're going to make a long rant here are some tips:
1)Put it in the right section
2)Work out the maths properly
3)Learn the grammar of the language you're posting in. If you don't speak it too well,
find someone who does, this was painful to read. And yes I saw you say about google
translate (well actually google traduction, which i assumed was supposed to be google
translate). Just don't.
4)A large reason behind many players leaving wasn't the game, it was the people. It used
to be civilised and understandable, now most of the posts on the forums are flames. Like this.
5)Before you say I can't talk, I believe my current win rate is about 55% and i've been
here since beta. On and off granted, but since then.
6)Don't swear. Censored or not it's rude and it doesn't say much about you. It also means
people are far less likely to pay any attention to you.
7)If you don't like the game, go somewhere else and don't complain, or make your own game
that you think is amazing. Let's see how it competes with NF.7
8)Don't call people noobs, what gives you that right?

By now i've lost the will to give more of my time to this...


  • Re : They killed Navyfield!

    01. 21. 2011 15:05

dude you're blaming players' laziness to improve on sde. it doesnt matter the game type.
it'll always be that way. stop whining

  • Re : They killed Navyfield!

    01. 21. 2011 14:09

for flymam,

First off: I say 80-90% for 60-70% and this is true.... like you... you have only 49%
win! (so 51% loses.... like 60%.... lol....nahhh joke but...)

Second off: I suggest to come back old systems, think on nf and check gb2 before adding
new features... and more

thanks you for being productive!

for megabstr,

same, thanks you for being productive!
Anyway I expect of course has that kind of response ... you ridicule it yourself ....

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