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  • The Goodbye Thread

    01. 21. 2011 22:30

Well, it's time to go. After playing NF for 6 years, I have had enough. I am tired of the
bugs never getting fixed, tired of the lag, tired of the crashing, tired of the players in
these forums have have nothing important to contribute and instead troll the forums, and I
am tired of the newer players who think they know more then us vets.

So this is goodbye. To the friends I leave behind, perhaps one day we will meet again. To
the newer players, have fun for one day, you too will be called an idiot and useless by
someone else newer then you.

Hasta La Vista Baby!


  • Re : The Goodbye Thread

    01. 24. 2011 17:42

Never knew you.


  • Re : The Goodbye Thread

    01. 24. 2011 04:41

SDE started out good but as the game has started coming to an end they seem to

A game that is 5+ years old and this game does not have the support as such
games like everquest I dont think its done too bad for its life span.

It has kept me going all these years and I've paid my fair share for prem accounts
and everything else over the years.

I remember my first clan BIG EXP, As for new players coming into a game I would
expect them to at least try and lookup whatever it is they are looking for.

Because I have only ever really played UK and tend to stick around that forum for
posting and notice new players often asking the same question for example "best
gusn to use on Nelson" yet all they have to do is go in search and type nelson or
nelson guns failing that there is often already a thread going so they make their
own thread above that one asking the same question.

Which is often the case and I dont really blame players for jumping in a bit and
telling them. As for giving free stuff away I think you'll find there are still large
amounts of players doing that but dont need to shout about it.

  • Re : The Goodbye Thread

    01. 24. 2011 00:46

On a rather off-topic notice:

It's so amusing that ppl think that the newer Tankfield game is way better than NF. It's a
boring piece of code and everyone who gets absorbed into it has never played one of the
many decent online games, either due to ignorance or another reason unknown to me.

One day ppl might realize it's the same crappy "start with a pitiful, insignificant
vehicle and get pwnd over and over again while playing the same 'rush and crush the enemy'
mode" on a loop. Sounds familiar anyone? Hence it makes no sense whining about boring ol'
NF. I do agree to WoT having the better dev team that actually cares for its community.
Which might be the sole reason why WoT will prevail in the long run but SDE brought that
on themselves.

  • Re : The Goodbye Thread

    01. 23. 2011 23:12

TNF and SDE made the rules, if they don't wish them to be enforced they wouldn't make them.

Telling a new player to follow the rules is not a crime, it educates them that there are
rules to be followed. If you don't tell a new player about the rules what happens when he
starts TKing because he isn't aware that it is wrong? He gets slapped with a ban for
persistent TKing and leaves the game.

So basically, you are only an advocate of certain rules that you can use to push your
personal agenda through against players that YOU deem not to be nice and helpful to the
community? How very civilised of you lol.

I didn't really expect anything more than a rant at the established "Veteran" and
"Flametard" players that exist within this game from you Audessy but at the end of the
day, you are complaining that older players whine at newer players to follow the rules,
but all you are doing is whining that older players should follow the rules.

As I said, you only like the rules that suit YOUR agenda.

  • Re : The Goodbye Thread

    01. 23. 2011 22:48

I've been around since mid 06. But I haven't jumped on the bandwagon like the rest of
the "old sk00l elites". In my opinion there should be a new forum rule.

"Anyone that aids in the loss of business for SDE through the forums for any reason will
receive temporary ban's from NavyFIELD forums."

Kicking a dead horse like this or pissing on a new players face because he didn't search,
follow the rules, or even speak proper English is totally unacceptable. It hurts SDE's
business. It would be a wise idea on their part to start cracking down on this bullshit.
Empathy is key.

I have always stood in defense against players like the one's described. Quite frankly,
I'm getting sick of it. Take out your personal issues on something else.

  • Re : The Goodbye Thread

    01. 23. 2011 22:14

"Sonar makes claims of being a 5 year vet yet post on an account that is not even out of
blitz and does not reveal the name of his original account. The oly reasons NOT to post
with or reveal your original account is it was either permabanned, hated, or both. Either
way from his attitude on the forums I see no big loss to the community."


  • Re : The Goodbye Thread

    01. 23. 2011 21:45

i secretly laugh at all those who say "good riddance". The number of players in NF is
dwindling to pathetically low levels; those who stay either have lvl 120 everything,
are in an officer position on a mega fleet, havent played the game long enough to
learn its painfully critical flaws, or simply havent looked up that new "tanks game".
Not to break any forum rules, but the facts are that Navyfield is obsolete; the
Wargaming team (creators of [beta]) have taken the lessons that
TNF/Devs missed and created a masterpiece, of which is sucking up more and more
NF players. Save for ONF, the Navyfield Community is ,for the most part, very rude
and obnoxious when it comes to questions. Quite frankly, the days of generous
veterans answering a newbies questions are over. when I joined NF ( April, 2008.
look it up if you must, but i assure you, its there) it wasnt uncommon to recieve a gift
of credits from a generous veteran (sourfaith, pyromaniac, stogdog1). Now, the
trade rooms are a joke, and any gifts turn out to be something reminiscent of an
insult to the veterans generosity. its usually cheaper to grind your own premium ,
vetted, crew than it is to buy an at level standard bunch.

My reasons for playing are simple; i have an obligation to svenhammer to help him
with his fledgling fleet in hopes of giving it a jumpstart. So, i say to all you haters, rip
my statement apart. there is nothing that cannot be proved by an hours worth of
game play, and it would be wise to stuff your ignorant ego aside to view reality.


  • Re : The Goodbye Thread

    01. 23. 2011 19:33


Sonar makes claims of being a 5 year vet yet post on an account that is not even out of
blitz and does not reveal the name of his original account. The oly reasons NOT to post
with or reveal your original account is it was either permabanned, hated, or both. Either
way from his attitude on the forums I see no big loss to the community.

We have a community? Oh right! The handful of trolls that roam these forums? Who usually
have nothing better to do but bash the person asking a question, or reply with "we have a
search function". Regardless of whether he's a vet or not he brings up A LOT of valid
points. Those points which are rarely fixed.

  • Re : The Goodbye Thread

    01. 23. 2011 19:21

The original sonar account was in AE on Arizona I believe.

That in itself should tell you something :)

  • Re : The Goodbye Thread

    01. 23. 2011 15:13

Sonar makes claims of being a 5 year vet yet post on an account that is not even out of
blitz and does not reveal the name of his original account. The oly reasons NOT to post
with or reveal your original account is it was either permabanned, hated, or both. Either
way from his attitude on the forums I see no big loss to the community.
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