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  • Newer system for bans!

    01. 25. 2011 12:49

I think that the current system for bans is unjust and that players, once reported
and kicked from the server, can NOT prove that they did not do what is
being said of them. I think that if a ban is considered as a result of a report, the
person who is being banned should be notified by a TNF or mod, and given at LEAST
30Minutes to prove that they did not do what is being said of them. This would be a
more fair system for bans, and would result in less angry players in NF. This would
be very nice and more FAIR, as what TNF is supposed to be. Once someone is kicked
they cannot defend themselves. Please consider! I would like to see this
implemented in NF so the accused have the right to a defense and can send screens
into TNF or a mod in their defense. PLEASE consider this in NF!!!!


  • Re : Newer system for bans!

    01. 27. 2011 04:55

Personally, I could care less about the bans or the way Navyfield does their business.
Why, you might ask, well because of what recently happened.

Another player was in a room making threats to hack other player's accounts, send viruses
to other player's computers and even doctor images from other player's speech that would
guarantee that they would get banned.

I (under my main account which is NOW banned) took a total of 74 screen shots and 26.32
minutes of video. Then I told that player that I was going to report them.

Well, what happened....

They reported me WITHOUT any screen shots to a member of the Navyfield team saying I was
harassing them.

Well, I suddenly got kicked off the game. When I tried to log back in, I got the message
that I was banned from the game. When I went to the website to log in, I got the message,
invalid user name or pass.

I sent in the screen shot links and the video proof to Navyfield. They should have
immediately UNBANNED my account AND BANNED the other player's account, as well as bring
criminal charges up against that other player for making physical threats.

Did it happen, nope.

My main is still banned even though I spent nearly $500 USD every month on this game for
the last 3 years. The other player (who does not pay for anything) still plays the game
and STILL makes these threats.

So, my advice...

Don't pay for this game.
Don't play this game.

If you do stay, be warned. Navyfield's future in the online gaming industry is
questionable. My representative has all the proof, receipts, and correspondences to & from
SD Enternet & Navyfield.

As my main account has been banned, I can only assume that the Navyfield forum moderators
will delete this post as well and make sure that this account is also banned. But, before
they do this, I hope they realize that I have exercised my freedom
of speech and have not broken any of the forum rules in this post. There is no reason for
them to delete it except to cover up the corruption within the forums and game.

  • Re : Newer system for bans!

    01. 26. 2011 14:44

@a245, I'm sorry, but I find it hard to believe that just anyone can alter a screenshot
from in game. As it is, I am an avid sprite worker for this community, and I have several
years experience with Adobe Photoshop and I can confirm with out a doubt that even the
most skilled person could not manipulate, or doctor a screenshot in MS Paint.

As for photoshop, it could be possible, but again, not just anyone can sit there and do
it. You need to have experience with the program, multiple screenshots of various
conversations so that you could properly create something like that. It takes skill, time,
and patience to do something like that. I don't really see many people around with that
sort of drive to do something like this every time they report someone.

  • Re : Newer system for bans!

    01. 26. 2011 14:10

@ Splid: It is quite obvious that players who have been suspended in the past or have
large amounts of complaints against them are banned for their previous actions. Look at
Ledan's month long ban for "stacking". Has he stacked rooms in the past? Yes, I wont deny
that. When we were allowed to "clanstack" on AZ with a maximum capitol ship limit of 3 he
agreed to and stuck with the rules, always giving the other side a little bit more for the
trade. When he was banned for a month the evidence of the incident in question showed only
him being abused verbally by the one who reported him and no evidence of ships even being
switched. Because of the amount of reports against him, mostly stupid reports with no real
evidence or even no rules being broken, he was simply banned for a month. If enough people
report you you WILL be banned.

Ontop of that another more recent ban was handed out for "disconnecting to manipulate game
balance". Its no secret why he disconnects and this certainly is not why. The onyl thing
we could even think of was an out of context SS.

I mean no one said a thing about all the players disconnecting when they had a large
amount of fleetmates on the opposite team to throw the game during the 4 win event. No one
says anything about flagships disconnecting to give their fleetmates more exp but of
course if you have a history of reports you are fucked.

  • Re : Newer system for bans!

    01. 26. 2011 13:41

What if someone changed what people say in a program like microsoft paint.
Then what. why cant i take a screen of what is REALLY said and send it in in my
defense? You say you would rather have people playing NF..... WELL THIS NEW

  • Re : Newer system for bans!

    01. 26. 2011 10:08

The comfort comes from the review process and the fact that the GMs and I are able to
discuss any issue and if needs be remove suspensions where new evidence comes to light
that places in doubt or where evidence is reviewed and is found to have been
misinterpreted. As we are the only ones that actually place suspensions as well, then it
us that require the evidence in order to inform our decisions. Server 'kicks' are less
rigidly controlled in terms of up-front evidence prior to the kick being actioned and the
facility to action a kick is more widely distributed, but we still require the evidence to
be provided so that it can be reviewed if necessary.

When it comes to forum suspensions the evidence is normally available on the forums and
kept where required. The case you keep referring to has been reviewed by 3 Senior
Moderators and 2 GMs, all of who came to the same conclusion. Dialogue has occurred and
continues to see if a point can be reached where that suspension can be lifted.

I would also say that not all complaints = suspension. Quite a few reports recently have
certainly not warranted suspensions for the action being reported and sometimes
insufficient evidence has been provided and we will not simply suspend on the 'say so' of
someone without evidence to prove it. We would much rather have players playing than
under suspension, but we just need them to do so within the rules. As you may know we do
ramp up suspension durations for repeat offences, but again these are guidelines and if we
do get the impression that learning and correction is taking place we can adjust lengths

  • Re : Newer system for bans!

    01. 26. 2011 07:14

The problem occurs Vick when a ban is actually being enforced unfairly.

How do you ensure that all bans are subject to fairness without actually allowing the
defending party to defend themselves?

For example, I was forum banned a few years ago but when I asked why no-one could tell me.
They said no screenshots were provided as evidence of the ban and as such I couldn't be
given any. Surprisingly, I was unbanned when I managed to contact a GM seeing as they
didn't have a clue why I was banned either supposedly.

So, what comfort can you give to people currently serving forum or ingame bans if you
can't give them any proof that you are right to ban them?

What comfort can you give a player who was banned because you wouldn't give them the
evidence and they were simply on the receiving end of a forum bug? Would said player get
an apology? Perhaps a public one?

  • Re : Newer system for bans!

    01. 26. 2011 06:19

There is no 'one system fits all here'. Starting with a fact - there is too much volume
to undertake to individually edit out personal information such that all provided
evidence could be made available. At times where there is absolutely no chance of
revealing the person making the report I have indeed provided some elements of
evidence. Personally, I will gladly provide any screenshot that I have taken and
then used as evidence to support a suspension. However, as JP says this is not
always possible or approptiate and identities need to remain confidential to prevent
the potential for harrassment of the person making the report. Therefore, we apply
the non-disclosure policy as the core prinicple so that people can make reports in

When it comes to a player being 'kicked' from the server that is in response to an
immediate issue and evidence will be taken and recorded in the NF system. Most of
the time these are short, sharp 'education' points that are used to get the player
back on track within the rules and playing again in the quickest way, and quite often
they omit the need for the more formal report on the Support Ticket system that may
ultimately result in a longer suspension. When making that decision though we will
normally check suspension history as well and if it is repeat offences then a kick may
get subsequently extended in a suspension request, if appropriate. I cannot think
players really want to remove the kick system and have everything considered for a
day suspension or more, as I believe it would result in more and longer
suspensions, which are not always necessary if it can be handled quickly and
efficiently by TeamNF.

Anyone with a complaint about a particular suspension can appeal to me as the
Head Moderator directly or through the Support Ticket system. You might not
always like the answer, but any such appeals will always be considered and an
answer provided. What I would say though, is that once an appeal has been
considered, if it is decided that the suspension is valid and should run its course,
then a whole stream of follow-up tickets are unlikely to change it.

  • Re : Newer system for bans!

    01. 26. 2011 06:04

"Did I get this right? Let's say, a totally random players said ?%?%&? CVS!!"", I tell
my present fleetmates to screen it and jajaja reporta, said player will be screwed even
more? Just wow."

Nope. Just because multiple people send in the same report doesnt mean that the
punishment is more. The volume of reports are when the person is doing it over and over
and over and other players are reporting it, then that is when a harsher punishment is
given. So it takes more then one battle to do that.

  • Re : Newer system for bans!

    01. 26. 2011 05:24

Did I get this right? Let's say, a totally random players said ?%?%&? CVS!!"", I tell
my present fleetmates to screen it and jajaja reporta, said player will be screwed even
more? Just wow.

Also, just cut any details out of a screenie that give hints about the person that sent
the report.

More transparency = increased fairness.

  • Re : Newer system for bans!

    01. 26. 2011 04:40

I agree! Reccommend.

Or the player should be banned from one server.
Bad behavor on server bismarck (example) will result in a temoralily/permanent ban.
There was no 'bad behaivor' on another server, so why does a player get banned on all
It should be, bad behaivor on a decent server, ban the player on the server which he
did bad things.
And leave other servers open.
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