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  • New Game Type?

    01. 26. 2011 02:40


I was thinking what if NF took a game like GB2 and changed it so that instead of hunting
or defending a player controlled flagship as the basis of the game, have each team start
with an island base HQ.

The objective would be to destroy the opposing team's headquarters while defending your
own. And to mix it up, each HQ would have NPC gun emplacements for additional defense
(e.g. UK 18' singles for anti-ship defense and pom poms and 5' singles for anti-air.
Nothing too outrageous, just enough to make a player cautious when attacking the other
team's HQ) The HQs would be on islands small or thin enough for any ship to attack from
ffs to bbs. The game would keep the counter attack timer to give the other team a chance
to exact their revenge. Perhaps a minute or two could be added to the current counter
attack timer.

I see a game type like this as an advantage over gb2 in that players don't have to worry
about flagships disconnecting, running into the front lines due to lack of paying
attention or rampaging because they are displeased with another player(s) and/or running
out of the map on certain maps, *cough* Adamrz I remember the Christmas event >=| *cough*

As a disadvantage, I can see that, as an island, the HQ would be stationary and thus very
easy to rush at the beginning of a game. With that, I suggest that at the start of each
game, each team's HQ would randomly spawn behind and below or behind and above each team's
starting position.

Perhaps NF could call this game GB3 or something and I'm sure it would spice up Navyfield
for us and even bring in some new and old players. Navyfield needs something else to go
along with the release of the Soviet Navy and maybe this could
be it.

"Any ideas, suggestions, plans, I want to hear them. Come on, dazzle me, gentlemen."
-Captain Hawkins

  • Re : New Game Type?

    01. 26. 2011 22:25

If possible, I suggested that the islands could be randomly generated on each team's side.
(e.g. spawn north one game, south the next, and middle after that. Of course the islands
would spawn behind the starting point for each team so that the enemy would have to fight
through the defending team first.

  • Re : New Game Type?

    01. 26. 2011 15:27

"I have never seen an island disconnect or get
booted for being afk. "

Implement this game type, and soon, very soon, that will all change ;)

As for the idea itself, yeah i like it, but it depends, is the island always in the same
place? in which case it would be easy enough to borderhump bombers and just kamikaze them
out of fuel. :/

Would be good if the islands got switched one game so alpha's island was in the bravo
spawnpoint, and no one realised, so the team that wins, loses. :)

  • Re : New Game Type?

    01. 26. 2011 13:04

I think this is a good idea. I would very much be willing to see a gametype that isn't
basically just another "team deathmatch". Something more objective based.

  • Re : New Game Type?

    01. 26. 2011 12:28

Well its is and attack and defend type game so I would imagine that some people would
attempt to rush just like how some people (CV's) attempt to rush bombers at the beginning
of a gb2 to sink the flagship. Whether or not the opposing team is successful in their
rush is up to the defending team.

I would venture to guess that a concerned issue, just like yours, would have come up when
they were discussing the GB2 game type.

  • Re : New Game Type?

    01. 26. 2011 07:30

Actually Kermit it is a good idea. I have never seen an island disconnect or get
booted for being afk.

  • Re : New Game Type?

    01. 26. 2011 07:30

Some how, i think this is not a great idea,

There will be sups,ff's and dd's rushing,

So i will say no to this,

Iowa Server

  • Re : New Game Type?

    01. 26. 2011 07:22

That would be just gb II with stationary flagship. That is not good idea.

  • Re : New Game Type?

    01. 26. 2011 03:36

This would give smaller boats more defensive responsibilty.