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  • N00b Crackdown

    01. 26. 2011 11:31

Ok, so I recently re-downloaded Navyfield after months of not playing it.

After getting re-aquanted, there were many issues that I saw with gameplay that I
think could be easily changed.

1. BB's Should be REQUIRED to have scout planes on their ship.
Hey, let's face it, it sucks when you have no scout planes on your team, so you end
up shooting into the darkness. It results in getting owned easily and losing the
overall battle.

An easy way to fix this would be to require BB's to have a recon plane on their ship.
For those who do not currently have one, there should be a minimum level rookie
pilot that they can purchase for a few credits. There is only one of these per player,
however, so then we dont have CV players buying a crapton for their mini airforce.

2. Ships that are past the DD stage (CL's and up) MUST use manual FCS.
Ok, it's really annoying when you're playing a game and all of a sudden a big 'ol
County CA comes "FFFFFFFFFFFFICTORY"ing down the center of the game map.
Having Auto FCS at these higher game stages should not happen, as it creates more
charging than actual strategy. Not only that, but NF is a whole different game if you
constantly are just using the mouse and spacebar spam...that should only be for the
people on DD's and FF's who are still learning the game.

All this takes is to just not have Auto FCS be available on CL's and up.

3. GET RID OF HOBBIT WAR FOR BLITZ (or at least make it a little bigger)
Being an avid CA user, I have come across a problem while playing's
WAAYYY too freaking small. As soon as the round starts, you have DD's coming into
your line of sight, even before you get a chance to really get going. This is uber
annoying, as it just allows bum-rushing to take the place of real strategy.

I remember back before they had Hobbit War, when Blitzes were more like lower-
level Great Battles. Back then I loved playing in Blitzkreig, but now it just flat out

A way to fix 'er up would be to either take it out altogether, or make it bigger. Even
just making it a non-default Blitz map would help! I'm sorry, but Hobbit War is just a
mass of n00bs running into each other spamming the spacebar as they madly click
all over the place. It's ok for FF's and DD, but CA's? I dont think so.

Just a few thoughts. I really think that there's some good in this, but I'd like to hear
other ways to improve/make the game a little better

EDIT: As i read through the comments, I see a very valid point that #2 is flawed.
Instead of taking Auto out altogether, maybe put a nerf on it instead

  • Re : N00b Crackdown

    01. 27. 2011 14:52

i bet the people at dont have scouts on their ships are the ones that are running the Fog
of War Hack so they dont need to see, or they are just noobs!!

  • Re : N00b Crackdown

    01. 27. 2011 14:51

#1. I agree.
#2. Not just no, but hell no. I, for physical reasons, can't use manual fire control. I
have 1/2 an index finger and a thumb on my left hand...which make using manual
virtually impossible. If you were to force me to use manual FC, I'd just quit playing.
#3. I agree. Hobbit rooms should be limited to FF's and DD's...because it's just too
small...or better yet, just eliminate it altogether.

  • Re : N00b Crackdown

    01. 27. 2011 13:33


I would rather that the ships that can carry scouts and have nothing better to do were to
carry them. If it were to be compulsory for BBs then why not for CLs and CAs? They have
less use in GB2s.

I would also rather have a cv that scouts, even if they can only have t1 fighters, I would
rather a cv uses t1 scouts and get the occasional scout/bomber rather than locals that are
only ever launched after any bombers have done their damage.

As for my scout, my scout was above level when I reach BB4 so have no worries there. The
grind for BB1-3 is hard enough without them being forced to use pilots which won't help
them when they get to BB4 and they don't have at level crew and they called a noob for
being outrun and dying.

I agree sort of, except I would think it were better to get more XP for having enemy ships
in scout sight as a pose to creds.

  • Re : N00b Crackdown

    01. 27. 2011 05:21

ok, first of all, why whould bb have scouts when other small vessel also carry scouts,
including cv, whats wrong with using auto for cl and ca. I f you are so good then
having people rushing at you is no problem, its called preys coming.

You speak of blitz of hobbit was is too small, duhhh, that the reason for hobbit war,
theres plenty of larger maps in blitz. Before you start calling people noobs, please
look at your self first. its just a game.

  • Re : N00b Crackdown

    01. 26. 2011 21:33

I would take it off the list completely...

  • Re : N00b Crackdown

    01. 26. 2011 21:03

1 - The way to fix this is not to require something, it's to BRIBE people. If having
enemy ships visible to your scout plane was worth a small stream of XP or credits,
then every CL and CA and BB would fly a scout just for the payola. And they'd get
good at keeping them alive to keep the payola coming.

2 - heck no. Auto is an option, period. And there are a number of loadouts of CL
and larger ships that make sense with Auto. Hedgehogs being most of them.

3 - Hobbit War shouldn't be the default map, I agree on that one.

  • Re : N00b Crackdown

    01. 26. 2011 20:26

The problem is not that I do not enjoy hobbit wars, the problem is what it did to the
skill of blitz within a week of it becoming the default map. All hope is lost for good
players coming out of blitz now...

  • Re : N00b Crackdown

    01. 26. 2011 20:03

point 1-A agree
point 1-B disagree, if a player can't take the time to get a sailor pilot up to level 25 by
the time they get a BB, or subsequently upon discovering that it's a REQUIREMENT in
order to operate a BB, then that's their problem.

point 2, totally disagree, but then, I tend to use AUTO FCS myself as I find I'm busy
enough maneuvering around (especially on 5 on 1 encounters in a battle) to be
trying to range in manually on top of that.

that being said, I'm sure taking the effort to learn the manual system and getting
used to it, I would find this less of a problem. but you shouldn't be forced to it.

solution? a penalty of some sort for auto fcs? whether it's less of a targetting
accuracy bonus, or a penalty to reload by a second or half second depending on the
size of the gun (sliding scale that gets higher the bigger classed ship you are

point 3, easy solution, start your own room, select another map OTHER THAN Hobbit,
and prey that others will start doing the same when hosting.

  • Re : N00b Crackdown

    01. 26. 2011 17:54

3- All Hobbit does is encourage people to rush with torps. A normal map
gives all sorts of set ups the opportunity to thrive including Torps, AW,
Range etc. People might actually learn some strategy and gameplay
since it won't be based on torp luck and rushing. Not saying that's not
a valid tactic but that's all there is game after game. I think there might be
more frustration from newer players when they go from that kind of hobbit
blitz to a GB and that style of gameplay is 0% effective. It's a rude

I agree V2, whoever thought that map change was a good idea should
be given the award for creating a generation of bad players.

  • Re : N00b Crackdown

    01. 26. 2011 17:01

Alright, but there's a difference between Lightning War and Bum-Rush War. If they
made Hobbit War bigger, then it wouldnt be so....bad.

Also, i never thought of that for #2. good point. But Auto should at least be nerfed. I
mean, you know that a lot of people who could be using Manual are using Auto
because it's easier...
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