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  • Ship painting

    01. 31. 2011 03:21

Hi what do u think about ship painting for some credis + points?
u can paint the static and movements element on the ship ?

  • Re : Ship painting

    02. 17. 2011 17:46

suggested over 9000 times before.... use das search!

  • Re : Ship painting

    02. 17. 2011 17:14

quietcos: "What is this? Pimp my ride?"
hahahahah agreed.

vermatrix: "I've been playing NF off and on for a long time and I've noticed that a lot of
people would like alternative ship colors, but I also understand the point of view of the
developers regarding the difficulties in reskining ships in that way. Soo, I'll just
throw out a suggestion to make everyone happy. Rather than player designed
custom skins how about just having maybe 4 alternative skins per ship as a cash
shop avalable item. There could be a period where players design custom skins for
the differant ships which could be voted on by everyone and the 2 best or 4 best or
whatever could be picked to go in the cash shop as a new tab in the cash shop just
for that."
this is also a very good idea. thats the best idea ive heard all day.

  • Re : Ship painting

    02. 01. 2011 06:07

The website I showed you has everything you need for that. It's not created by TNF, this
is just something done by players in the community.

  • Re : Ship painting

    02. 01. 2011 01:56

ok if i may ask is exist any program to change ship colour alone only for me? like new
sprite for QV or Montana?
Anyway i found the sprites maked by tnf but i want do it alone . How?

  • Re : Ship painting

    01. 31. 2011 21:04

I've been playing NF off and on for a long time and I've noticed that a lot of people
would like alternative ship colors, but I also understand the point of view of the
developers regarding the difficulties in reskining ships in that way. Soo, I'll just
throw out a suggestion to make everyone happy. Rather than player designed
custom skins how about just having maybe 4 alternative skins per ship as a cash
shop avalable item. There could be a period where players design custom skins for
the differant ships which could be voted on by everyone and the 2 best or 4 best or
whatever could be picked to go in the cash shop as a new tab in the cash shop just
for that.

  • Re : Ship painting

    01. 31. 2011 12:31

I said possible, not guaranteed lag. As for local sprites, there are websites for those,
such as . Either way, the loading time would be increased because
of the countless combination's of color codes/camo configs people could use.

  • Re : Ship painting

    01. 31. 2011 11:39

To much lag? I beg to differ.

The server stores the series of numbers which activates sprites on your computer to
display the certain colors. Since the sprites are still local the only interaction between
the server and your computer would be the initial loading and selection of sprites at the
entrance to a room.

Maybe a rough idea

AB424 - Ship Sprite #3 rendering -> black green black
BC333 - Ship Sprite #28 rendering -> blue blue blue

obviously very rough but hopefully you get the idea

  • Re : Ship painting

    01. 31. 2011 11:31

No quiet, its:

Pimp my ship!!

Also, why would it be a problem if only YOU can see it?
Still cool to see a hot girl on your BB nebraska....

  • Re : Ship painting

    01. 31. 2011 11:15

Not possible, the sprites for your ships are stored locally on your computer, so even if
you were to do that it would only be viewable by you and not everyone else. In order to do
that you would have to have those sprites stored on the NF servers, which means more
loading time, and possibly more lag.

  • Re : Ship painting

    01. 31. 2011 04:42

What is this? Pimp my ride?