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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Premium Cl for Ijn.

    02. 01. 2011 22:44

Is the Dhonburi A good ship to have?
if it is what is a good setup for it?
I see alot of Texas cls running around pwning everything and seen the Dhonburis doing it
too so i was just wondering if its a good boat to have.Also i was wondering why they take
so little damage is it because added armour or is it just Beast?

  • Re : Premium Cl for Ijn.

    02. 03. 2011 10:10

I recieved this during the last event. I really enjoy it in the blitz environment as you can
try against some of the bb1s. I am using it to level my BO to kita or SS so I rather it
over the simakazee or others.

  • Re : Premium Cl for Ijn.

    02. 03. 2011 08:03

When I bought the Dhonburi 5 years ago it was perfect because it fit pretty much all of
my sailors and leveled them nicely.

Then I used mogami/myoko/kongo until I could buy the b65, which was also great for
fitting crew and leveling. The actual b65 is not good for anything but AA though as even
with blockshot its like shooting q-tips.

I didn't buy the Asama until a couple months ago, and let me say it has been great for
leveling pilots. If you have AA gunners use the 4.7" and AAW it up in great battle, don't
worry about main guns because you will want speed.

So in summary if I would have known about how good the asama was for leveling
sailors I would have bought it many years ago.

  • Re : Premium Cl for Ijn.

    02. 03. 2011 05:59

Yes, definitely worth the 3 bucks. All PCLs are. Although, as stated above, they end up
being mere toys later on.

  • Re : Premium Cl for Ijn.

    02. 02. 2011 16:35

I bought the Dhonburi to help me level up to an Oyodo (back when the Oyodo was a
CV), mainly because it had more support slots than the Agano. I enjoyed it after that
mainly as a toy, and also as a leveling tool for some other BOs with another set of
gunners. I have to say, it is somewhat fun to put the x2 5.4 inch guns on with a bunch
of belt armor and wade into the action of Blitz. It's also fun with my level 75 gunners
and the 6.1 inch trips, due to the blockshot, which easily deals with subs and small fry
that wander around in the GBII environment.
As a leveling tool, though, you will only have to use it for 6-8 levels. After that, it ceases
to be a legitimate leveling tool and becomes more of a toy. If we have another coin
event in the future, I might recommend getting it for the fun of the ship (as I did with
the Tiger last year), but as a leveling ship, I would think hard about your real need for it.
Keep in mind that if you play the Agano it has 1 more gunslot (which can carry the same
guns at-level), 2 torpedo slots (of dubious value), and an excellent aircraft capacity and
take-off. Hope this helps!

  • Re : Premium Cl for Ijn.

    02. 02. 2011 11:22

Waste of money like all IJN premium ships are (excluding PCV).

If you want to get an IJN premium ship, get the B65>asama>PCL

In order of best to worst for their cost.

  • Re : Premium Cl for Ijn.

    02. 02. 2011 10:50

Well i was just wondering because im tryin to lvl some sailors up and was wondering if
gettin the pcl would make it faster and easier?

  • Re : Premium Cl for Ijn.

    02. 02. 2011 08:19

Yeah. any PCL (not only IJN) is just a toy. Sure you can fool around in it for a little
while but it has no use above that.

Stay in the Agano. You will get past it soon enough and Mogami is usually better than the PCL.

Oh and yeah you can AW the (the RN one at least) them. Quite a bit actually.

  • Re : Premium Cl for Ijn.

    02. 01. 2011 23:04

The short answer is Yes/No. I know confusing, right?

The ones you see have high leveled crews. These tiny boats have massive displacements so
you can mount them with some pretty high leveled sailors without many problems with
weight. Therefore they probably had 800 or 900 SD.

First, why do you want it?

If you're leveling a crew around the level of the Dhonburi(33). Its fun to have. Not many
people can hit you at distances. With 8" guns, they have great range for level 33, but it
only has two guns.

If you're wondering if its good to have for a level 60-120 crew, my answer would be no.
It's fun to ride around on sometimes, and its nice to use as a break from a bb, but its
not really worth buying.

So I ask you, do you want to spend 3$ for a little fun? Well that's up to you. A good
portion of people you see with them probably got them free from one of the many events.

Again i would say it's not. Go buy a boost or something... Maybe something for me? ;)

This is just my opinion.


  • Re : Premium Cl for Ijn.

    02. 01. 2011 22:58

An Agano can do almost everything a Dhonburi can do...

Dh .onburi = 6 blockshot 6.1" shells or 4 shotgun 7.9/8" shells

Agano = 9 blockshot 6.2" shells or 6 shotgun 7.9" shells

Off topic: the NF forum makes a period appear in Dhonburi's name...