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  • About proxy torps

    02. 03. 2011 02:01

well, i have searched in the forums for an explanation about how do they work, but i
had no success. do they work? i red that they have 91% of HR, others said
they explode before reaching the ship, or if the torp misses it will explode near him.

  • Re : About proxy torps

    02. 03. 2011 09:01

I don't understand how the km sub launches its torpedoes at max velocity .. 2 explode,
other 2 go UNDER THE SHIP, then seemingly magically explode on the other side ..?????

Like are these things checked 2 times to see if they are duds ???

  • Re : About proxy torps

    02. 03. 2011 07:40

Thanks a lot Phantom, KM Torpedo Launchers ( used by boats) are really weak, but
when considering the torps used by the SS line however, they are very powerfull, i
mean having 2k less damage potential in enchange of proxy capabilities is really worthy
the price and we are the only nation that has them. makes me proud of raising KM SS

In the end i think KM torps are trully the best, considering the follow:

IJN: more potential damage (2k + or -) than KM, and longer range.
KM: a bit less powerfull and less range but has a huge blast radius and higher HR (hit


  • Re : About proxy torps

    02. 03. 2011 06:39

this will answer your question
for saving you time heres what i look the source is trainworld but i'll be putting here
their best torps

for torps that use on boats
km 21" G7e = 8140 (for direct hit idk about its splash)
ijn 24" type 93 m3 mod 3 = 18361
rn 24.5" mrk 1 = 11k
for the us 21" mark 15 = 12342
MN 21.65" = 18871

km < rn < us < mn < ijn
(note i got no data on sn yet)

for subs(using t2)
km 21" G7e t2 s = 20860
ijn 21" type 95 = 22191
rn 21" type VIII 19747
usn 21" mark 12 sr = 20231
mn 15.75" m26vr = 22833

rn < usn < km < ijn <mn

note: damage will vary if the ship has bulge
and for more details look up at trainworld :D

  • Re : About proxy torps

    02. 03. 2011 04:00

Ask that question to a destroyer who already cheered about having dodged a KM-sub-torp but
got blown up anyway.

Here you can compare the different nations torp stats.
IJN torps do slightly more damage but tend to dud quite often. So there sometimes is no
real advantage about having 6 instead of 4 tubes. However, the proxy torp is unique to KM
subs and make them quite easy to use.

  • Re : About proxy torps

    02. 03. 2011 02:43

now i love KM subs even more!

Edit: btw i red that proxy torps are overall weak, is that true? i mean i know they lack
the damage potential of IJN torps, but how strong proxy torps really are?

  • Re : About proxy torps

    02. 03. 2011 02:42

they do work like other torps but they low chance of missing damage, they explode on
contact if incase they don't hit the ship they'll explode and do high amount of splash
damage unlike other nation torp's splash damage which just tickles...

this to what i understand of proxy torps :D... its best weapon for sub vs sub :D