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  • X-rated game mode.

    02. 10. 2011 14:18

As per request.

I've always wanted to see a profanity X rated game mode. It would have the following.

1. No filter
2. You can create small audio files (A few words) to play when you get hit by an enemy.
3. A option to create preset images and text to be displayed on screen for the player
who kills you.
4. When you kill someone a dancing line of Korean anime cheerleaders dance across your
screen singing your praises in Russian.
5. Instead of the smoke bomb animation make it loadable images of your choice.
6. Torpedoes look like ummm.

Etc Etc.

  • Re : X-rated game mode.

    03. 15. 2011 16:36

yea it would be nice but.......

  • Re : X-rated game mode.

    03. 15. 2011 15:58

this is 100% neccessary for the ensured success of NF


  • Re : X-rated game mode.

    03. 15. 2011 14:48

"4. When you kill someone a dancing line of Korean anime cheerleaders dance
across your
screen singing your praises in Russian."

Anime is Japanese. Come on. XD
South Korea tries desperately to equal the awesomeness that is Anime. ANIME-
STYLED MMO GAMES are the closest they've come, but it seems MMO's are mostly
Korean these days (o.0). Starcraft / Maple Story / Mabinogi / etc. Also, the anime art
in those games is done in Japan, not South Korea.
Also, I've never seen a Russian-dubbed anime. XD
Your post was... interesting... but you'll have to explain to me how it's funny. ><

  • Re : X-rated game mode.

    02. 17. 2011 16:32


  • Re : X-rated game mode.

    02. 10. 2011 15:21

You can already remove the filter. Unfortunately it is for what you say not what everyone
else says.

  • Re : X-rated game mode.

    02. 10. 2011 14:54


  • Re : X-rated game mode.

    02. 10. 2011 14:38

Uhh.. Yeah.

Don't hold your breath on this one.

  • Re : X-rated game mode.

    02. 10. 2011 14:38

Nice idea guy, but the suggestion 2. u can do it by modding some audio files with