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  • Train speed glitch

    02. 12. 2011 05:20

This may or not be known to many, and can give one an edge in combat, especially
when needing to change targets quickly, or re-aiming to get to someone on your other
side. Since this is a glitch that shouldn't even be there, I feel everyone should know
about it until they ever get around to fixing it.

You may have noticed that sometimes your turrets turn fast, and other times they seem
very sluggish, often frustrating, especially on AA.

After some testing, I've come to the following conclusion -
-If you are moving in a straight line, not changing direction, train speed will be slow.
-If you are in the middle of turning, your train speed will be improved by far.

  • Re : Train speed glitch

    02. 14. 2011 04:13

this is just considered a minor glitch... they don't ruin the game so sde don't tackle
this :D...

  • Re : Train speed glitch

    02. 13. 2011 21:36

they might have, and ignored it since there hasn't, until now, been much fuss about the
issue as there is more blatant ones that pop up here and there.

if it exploded like the response to hackshield, it would be fixed asap. if it was something
that they figured royally affected the game, it would be fixed as soon as somebody
bothered with it.

if it's something minor, with no publicity, it'll get shelved until more "important" things
are dealt with first.

  • Re : Train speed glitch

    02. 13. 2011 20:13

It's called shitty programming, and they should probably find a real solution that isn't
some brute force lazy method that a Game Maker 8 noob would come up with.

Instead of the turrets turning faster in the direction they should be (Which is the
direction the ship is turning), and slower in the other direction, they turn faster in BOTH
directions. FAIL.

It's not intentional, it's fail programming that they're too lazy/too uneducated to fix.
Same goes for the stuck turret bug, the whole system was coded by amateurs.

  • Re : Train speed glitch

    02. 13. 2011 18:49

weylin, you ever notice your guns getting "stuck" when they're at the very end of their
turning radius and you're turning opposite the direction you're trying to turn your guns?

Same principle. It's just a glitch it's simple common sense, you're not taking into
account that the guns are on a platform, ala the ship. when the platform turns, so will
the guns, so if you're turning the guns in the same direction they will "turn" faster
versus having no turning momentum from the ship turning.

  • Re : Train speed glitch

    02. 13. 2011 18:49

lol this isnt a glitch its been out there for years glitches are more like the gradual AA
to maximum/ simal AA spam thats a glitch and honestly if you play blitz, small ships
like DDs could use that seeing how most cant carry enough armor to defend let
alone absorb a BB salvo (minus the super smexy MPDD 25.5 inch belt FTW!!!)

and slow BB1 with poor turnforce like the Courbet & Lyon really need this "Glitch"
its also been out there for a long time and every one exploits it so is it really a glitch?
or is it more common practice?

Edit: i agree with Jp if it were broken SDE/TNF would have picked it up by now

  • Re : Train speed glitch

    02. 13. 2011 18:27

No, they work incorrectly, it's not an illusion, and if it is physics, it's a sad and broken
attempt at it.
Turret speed will increase in both directions equally.

Try counting the time it takes to make a full 360degree sweep of a central battery.
Try this in rotating the turrets clockwise and counter-clockwise.

Rough rounded results were
5 seconds in both directions while maneuvering (Direction had no effect)
10 seconds in both directions while going straight.

Check it yourself, it's broken and I'm 100% certain of it.


  • Re : Train speed glitch

    02. 13. 2011 04:50

It all comes down to physics. It's not really a glitch. Of course if your ship is straight
and on course in that same direction your guns will train faster. There is no counter
momentum to have them 'appear' as if they are slower.

If you are turning counter-clockwise and turning your guns in that same direction the guns
will seem to go slower, or even not moving at all because of the momentum of the ship. It
would be as if the guns were not moving at all.

If you are turning the guns against the momentum of the ship they would appear to move
faster because the momentum of the ship is going against the train direction of the guns,
therefore it would 'appear' as if the guns are moving even faster, when in fact they are
moving the same speed.

  • Re : Train speed glitch

    02. 13. 2011 04:47

I'm not sure if you understand what I'm getting at.

Turn on TDA.
Try turning the guns while going in a straight line.
Now try turning them while in the middle of maneuvering. They'll rotate noticeably faster

  • Re : Train speed glitch

    02. 13. 2011 02:18

i do think its not really working how many people mind this?, but my gun turning is fine,
using tda when turning and changing angle from max to low fast, and turning tda off when