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  • Allow torps to do critical damage

    02. 12. 2011 11:25

I say NF should make it so SS torps can do critical damage and kill enemy crew by torpedo hits

  • Re : Allow torps to do critical damage

    02. 17. 2011 12:02

Only type XXI is do some like that,no way for SDE ,NF=90% out of reality

  • Re : Allow torps to do critical damage

    02. 13. 2011 15:07

they actually do....

  • Re : Allow torps to do critical damage

    02. 12. 2011 15:23

If you played kita you would know that torp crits happen all the time. I've only had the
misfortune of losing crew from one once but it makes me think twice about ignoring
torpedoes just because i have bulge.

  • Re : Allow torps to do critical damage

    02. 12. 2011 14:23

and exactly why is this needed? Is there a specific reason this is needed, or is this just
jajajaja buff subs

  • Re : Allow torps to do critical damage

    02. 12. 2011 14:09


Torpedo's can and will crit, but every blue moon. So if the current crit chance is 1%, I
think certain types of torpedos need a strong buff over that without an increase in
crew death. Yes, you an score crits without killing crew. It happens all the time. That
tells me that crew death and crit rates use different booleans.

Let me make this clearer, NO BUFF FOR CREW DEATH CRITS.

Crit increases:
Torpedo bombers - 10% chance to crit.
Sub torps - 5% for US (do to disadvantages) 3% for all other nations.
Kita and other surface ship torps - 2%

  • Re : Allow torps to do critical damage

    02. 12. 2011 12:49

Its already in game, its called sailor death from torps.

Rare but it happens :D

  • Re : Allow torps to do critical damage

    02. 12. 2011 11:56

Yeah like SS are not strong enough? Please
And don't forget about TWs or DDs

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