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  • Fighters not attacking

    02. 14. 2011 06:54

After reaching the point when my fighters have to return to the ship, I sometimes order
them to pick off any fighters, scouts or bombers near my carrier.
But sometimes they don't attack, they just fly in circles and ignore the enemy as if their
low on fuel and out of ammo. Any explanations?

  • Re : Fighters not attacking

    02. 14. 2011 18:50

There is a bug where your fighters have ammo but do not attack and do not even chase... I
have not had it happen to me enough to identify the cause but I did crash shortly after it
happened once or twice.

  • Re : Fighters not attacking

    02. 14. 2011 18:13

Ammo might run out on you, thats when i use them as kamikazes. Although i had
one squad that somehow ended up having infinite fuel even when i moved them
around. tier100 scout anyone? :D

  • Re : Fighters not attacking

    02. 14. 2011 15:33

Yeah. All aircraft have 16 shots including bombers and scouts. After they pew pew out of
ammo they will start completely ignoring enemy aircraft.

  • Re : Fighters not attacking

    02. 14. 2011 12:47

I thought they had 16 shots...idk, havent played FP CV in a while lol
but yea, it means your fps are out of ammo if they refuse to shoot other planes. I'm
pretty sure this has always been so, but before the CV patch, FPs were shown to have 0
ammo, but it actually was limited

  • Re : Fighters not attacking

    02. 14. 2011 10:46

Post CV-Patch Fighters now have 14 ammo. This means 14 shots and they are out of
fuel. They either would not engage due the following:

a) Out of ammo
b) Low on fuel
c) No more fuel

  • Re : Fighters not attacking

    02. 14. 2011 09:11

No it is a bug, bet it happens when your ft's are at sea level. I have seen it a few
times. It is almost like they are not there except for the sight. AAW nor AA or enemy
fts will hurt them.

  • Re : Fighters not attacking

    02. 14. 2011 08:59

never really thought about it that way, but it sounds ligical

is there a similar explenation for the fuel bug?
where a fighter can stay out way longer than normal
for example;

launching 3 sq's, where 2 sq's crash, the 3rd one somethimes flies on for about 1 or 2
minutes, not responding to other fp.

Usually shortly after you order them to go somehwere they still crash, but if you dont set out
new orders, they can fly for a long time.

is that a bug? or is it something with a "deeper thought" as well?

  • Re : Fighters not attacking

    02. 14. 2011 08:11

Really??? I always believed fighters could fire an unlimited amount of times as long as
they had fuel. Thanks.

  • Re : Fighters not attacking

    02. 14. 2011 07:01

you answered your own question... fighters won't engage when they are out of ammo

i believe they only get like 14 shots or something like that... after that they just
become glorified scouts