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  • Minimap/Radar Ping and Grid Suggestion

    02. 17. 2011 12:26

It is pretty difficult to communicate with other players as to where to go or where an
enemy sub or carrier is at. I have seen prior suggestions of this but they were all year
old suggestions in 2007/2008 and were separated. This is a more updated and combines the
ideas together.
If you have played other games, you would know that pinging makes coordinate and teamwork
more effective. You can ping enemy location, where one should place their units, and many
different usages for a ping.
If placing a ping in this game is too much of a hassle, another suggestion would be to
place grids along the radar in the minimap. Here is a picture from some game to present an
idea of my suggestion.

* Edited names of other games *
- Ny

  • Re : Minimap/Radar Ping and Grid Suggestion

    04. 09. 2011 08:34


i think i read somewhere on the forum recently that there is a sprite package
and that one has a grid overlaid on it .. pretty much what you are asking for ??

by the way ..
the cursor pointer gives you a co-ordinate point if you look at the two numbers on
the location the cursor in on the battle map

  • Re : Minimap/Radar Ping and Grid Suggestion

    04. 08. 2011 23:01

recc for after lag/balnce stuff has been fixed

  • Re : Minimap/Radar Ping and Grid Suggestion

    04. 08. 2011 22:05

Recc, but as ive said to other people's suggestions, it isnt and shouldnt be the high
priority on SDE's part.

  • Re : Minimap/Radar Ping and Grid Suggestion

    04. 08. 2011 20:20


  • Re : Minimap/Radar Ping and Grid Suggestion

    02. 17. 2011 15:11

i really like this idea. would be good to see something like this in-game sometime in the
near future. but i think it would be best if you hit "F9" say, and the mini-map like
scrolls up to a bigger map with options you can click on to place a ping here or there for
scout or ASW or AA and so on. then simply hit F9 or whatever the button and it goes back
to the normal mini-map. great idea though. recommended.

  • Re : Minimap/Radar Ping and Grid Suggestion

    02. 17. 2011 13:43

i dont think youll have to worry about a message shoing up because their are no grid
coordinates on the map. the ping and the square from ahem "that game" does help out alot
and could make scouting with planes eaiser/better. The last game i was in on NF someone
was saying scout, scout...and then someone else was saying where. It would be more
percise than just stating north, or south or mid.

Now to add on, when a ship has been sunk, it would be good for that player to still have
control of being able to ping, cuz then the players that are out can focus more on the map
to help their team and the ones still alive can focus more on shooting, But their should
be a limit to how many times one can ping in a amount of time. Cuz just like the "other
game" even if their wasnt a message, you can still spam the pinging sound.

All in all i think its a good idea

  • Re : Minimap/Radar Ping and Grid Suggestion

    02. 17. 2011 12:50

I think its a good idea, only if there's no message that comes up with that ping. Then
it'd be a spam fest, like *that game* that has that map image. a simple ping with
restrictions (so people can't spam) would be sufficient