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  • Making Manual easier to people who aint good to remenber things(like me)

    02. 17. 2011 13:22

I am just surprised that some people almost never miss with aiming , so i gave manual a
try , just to be owned by training BBs .

So i thinked that some kind of red bar or square should mark where should the shot
land(may not cuz of spread) , as memorizing angles probably aint easy for some people(like
me , i took one YEAR to memorize my phone number)

  • Re : Making Manual easier to people who aint good to remenber things(like me)

    03. 30. 2011 09:41

If you want a bb then you have to learn manuel, BB and auto just dont mix. Just play a
few test missions to get used to it.

  • Re : Making Manual easier to people who aint good to remenber things(like me)

    03. 29. 2011 14:47

If anything I think Finder FCS should be buffed quite a bit. It's practically worthless
unless you run a CV with no guns. That massive of an accuracy penalty is completely
uncalled for.

  • Re : Making Manual easier to people who aint good to remenber things(like me)

    03. 29. 2011 11:09

are you trying to tell me people ACTUALLY use auto aim??

  • Re : Making Manual easier to people who aint good to remenber things(like me)

    03. 29. 2011 10:28

These kind of topics irk me a bit.

If I work 60 hours a week, should I be paid the same as someone working 40?
If I spend 4 years in college bettering my education and preparing myself for a career
(assuming I actually am better prepared) should I be turned down the job for someone with
4 years of college but no better prepared from studies.
If I am better at a job, handle more responsibilities and finish work accurately and
faster than another employee should I be paid the same way?

What I am driving at is that there is a base in anything. In work you have minimum wage,
equal employment, non discrimination policies etc. Everyone has (in a perfect world)
equal treatment, and the right to fair compensation. Bear in mind that if you want to do
better and succeed you must work/improve/learn to growth (both in the company and in pay).
If I want to move up in a company, but do not want to take the time to learn and improve
myself or work extra hours why should I move up?

I am not discriminating against those with disabilities, and fully support minimum wage
and equality. That said, again there is a base and from there you decide to move up or
stay happy. Auto is there for players, use it if you want, but if you take the time to
practice and get good with manual, you are rewarded for it. I'll leave you with one more
example and this one is straight from NF:

Not everyone can afford to buy premium, should players not paying for premium be given the
same benefits as those who buy it? (and do remember silver used to be 60%, gold 100% and
Premium 140%, you used to get less than the base).

  • Re : Making Manual easier to people who aint good to remenber things(like me)

    03. 28. 2011 19:42


Aside from all the flames from the rude, I understand but still disagree. I remember a
time when I had issues with it just like you. This game has a an extremely steep
learning curve which attracts certain players. After getting my second BB5, gunnery
was a second nature. I can't explain how I can turn on TDA, hold S for the right
amount of time, fire and still get a hit. It just takes time man. Keep at it.

When I first got my Yamato I was baffled since the gun angles made no sense from
KM and UK. So what I did was get a pen and paper and made a chart showing which
angle at what distance. Surprisingly it showed that angles 40 through 45 had little to
no effect. 38 through 40 had a big change in range. Just revealing these things to
myself helped explain a lot.

Another way to train yourself is to go into practice missions. Run from the bb's and
fire on gradual at different angles every shot. You'll reveal the trajectories to
yourself. Then finally once you feel you understand, play the test missions in a ship
capable of sinking all 4 test mission BB's. Play them repeatedly and don't quit until
you achieve a certain accuracy %. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself by doing it at
longer ranges.

You'll be good shot in no time. It just takes self training and discipline.


If you honestly believe your fingers aren't dextrous enough you can always try a
game pad and a gaming mouse. Use the mouse for ship movement and firing. Use
the left side of a Playstation-like controller for gun controls (up/ down=gun angle,
left/right for traversing, shoulders L1/L2 for gun alignment). There's no reason
anyone can't master manual aiming if you're intelligent enough to understand the

  • Re : Making Manual easier to people who aint good to remenber things(like me)

    03. 28. 2011 19:26

How do they know who doesn't remember things?

  • Re : Making Manual easier to people who aint good to remenber things(like me)

    03. 28. 2011 19:22

I think the Auto FCU needs the follow done to it.

Have the ability to cross the guns as in manual,
Current bugs fixed, Double clicking that causes the gun lines to split, as with slowing
way down the side to side movement of torps.
Maybe incress there chance to hit the ships since they already have a XP nerf why can't
the be just a little bit worse than an Finding FCU and have a sight range less than a
Aiming FCU?

There ARE people out here that can NOT move there fingers quick enough to make the changes
needed to use manual effectively And If you say they need practice you are wrong!! They
like myself may not HAVE the ability to move there fingers fast enough or for some odd
reason there fingers are bigger than normal, And not due to being overweight!

I Think We need to take a look into the Auto FCU and fix it to be better than it is now,
But yet still get those that CAN learn how to use aiming and fining FCU's to change to them.

that is all, Dismissed


  • Re : Making Manual easier to people who aint good to remenber things(like me)

    03. 22. 2011 13:51

Its not SDEs fault or responsability that some of us who play the game are mentaly
challenged :)

  • Re : Making Manual easier to people who aint good to remenber things(like me)

    03. 21. 2011 17:43

NOPE! to put it plain and simple.... you just need practice. Also you just need to
learn the gun's angles themselves. you will get it after awhile... but try asking
someone before you go suggesting something that wont happen.

Manual fire is how the way it is to challange the players... if you cant get it, use
auto. (not suggested for bbs)

*Note* if your running a US line... good luck, US has some of the hardest gun angles
out there.

  • Re : Making Manual easier to people who aint good to remenber things(like me)

    03. 21. 2011 17:23

Yes, I agree because I can't judge the distance a shell will travel for a BB when I
shoot at what angle. I gave up on BB and reset the Operator to CV Taiho >.>
This would be great! I think more ppl would use manual. I can only use it for AA
because the shell doesn't land and I have the golden angle memorised which makes
it easier.