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Royal Navy


  • My first york!

    02. 18. 2011 08:13

so, i've made my hard way into my first yorkie and i've to admit its been hard to left my
emerald behind! but now the only i do is sink! :( i've been reading guides but it doesn't
work for me.. so any advices will be apreciated! thanks

also i'll like to add some newbie questions!

1) repairs work on t-slots?
2) in the curse of battle if a ship takes a lot of deck/belt damage, its belt armour
becomes less efective during the battle?

  • Re : My first york!

    03. 06. 2011 01:12

@hella, you don't know how to set up proper ca? lol you dont need torps or secondary guns
(unless its going to be an aa), it just getting you heavy and reduce your speed

  • Re : My first york!

    03. 03. 2011 01:45

I have not used York because I just reset my BO for the Hood. I have seen the
deadliness of a York in the hands of a good driver. (tankrat and iyoung especially)

At around levels 50-60 the 8" Mk V (?) L guns will begin to block shot, assuming that
your gunners have 100 vets and maximum experts. If not let's say around 59 - 65
will the gunners assume the block shots the Royal Navy is known for.

As the others have stated, learn to use the range advantage given to you by your
guns. The shells you should be using by now would have to be the Light High
Explosive or LHE. Though KM's Hipper and Eugen will still outrange you, everything
else will have less range and none of the block shots. Torpedoes on a CA are not,
repeat not, recommended. They will only slow you down and give your gunners next
to nil of experience.

In GB2, stay well away from the battleline as you will wind up as the first target of
beginner BBs and submariners.

  • Re : My first york!

    03. 02. 2011 22:38

"If you use torps on your ship then I reccomend that you use them when you have a
good chance at hitting a bigger ship."

Torps on CAs is not a good idea.... Than again York is not a great CA.

  • Re : My first york!

    03. 02. 2011 22:23

If you use torps on your ship then I reccomend that you use them when you have a
good chance at hitting a bigger ship. Keep in mind you have to be at a bit of a
distance for it to go off. If you use guns for your extra slots then thats great too. As
elmusafir said, in GB2 you want to wait a while before slowly advancing or you will
be surely sunk, usually without even getting into range to shoot yourself. In Blitz
you have a better chance at sinking enemy ships because of your increased range
and damage. Hobit is a great map for the york as after a little while into the fight,
your guns should have enough range to hit the enemy ships. Good luck with your
york and have fun!

  • Re : My first york!

    02. 18. 2011 12:41

repairs will work in any slot (cept bo, of course)
engys will only work in support slots, but will give SD bonus in t slot if you for some
reason decide to put them there

  • Re : My first york!

    02. 18. 2011 08:43

Although I don't play UK so I don't know the guns specifically, make sure you're
using the right triple 8" Ls. check guides so you have the right guns on, also if you
havent id recommend having 2 BO's and going down both lines, so you're gunners
stay much higher level, and your supports stay at level to your ship.

1) Yes repairers work on t-slots, Engineers do not.
2) No, read up on armor. Belt and Deck armor doesn't deplete or slightly reduce
more damage the more you have on, it's either all or nothing. If you have TONS of
deck armor, you'll make high level guns do 0 damage without AP shells. Same goes
with belt armor, but belt hits are only at 0-15~, and while ironically a York might be
one of the ONLY ships in the game that it might be effective to beltwhore your armor
for blitz, the smart thing to do would be invest all your displacement for deck armor
at later ships, or run speedwhore and use 0.2" belt with as much bulge on until you
lose a knot, for maximum speed, and reducing torpedo damage.

  • Re : My first york!

    02. 18. 2011 08:43

Patience, my young padawan.

I am assuming your crew is "at level" with York, so...

like it is the case with most ships at level, the York requires gameplay adjustments.
You have more range now that you have those 8" trips (which I assume you are
using!). Use your range. Spread must be lousy and reload time awful, but be patient.

CAs, afaiac, sort the good from the better BB driver. Those who learn patience and
ranged play become better BB drivers. With time your spread and reload time will

Stay behind the DD line (once again, assuming you are still in blitz) and let them
melee to their hearts content, meanwhile pick on the hapless lone DD while on the
distance. Your main course are CLs and other CAs. Stay as far from them as your
range/accuracy allows, getting closer only to finish them off or when the opposing
driver is using a clearly inferior ship and/or tactics.

If you are in GB2 the thing gets much worse. Don't rush. Be much more patient here.
Carry HH, if you can, to help with those subs the DDs detect. Stay behind, support
the CVs. If you prefer, stay behind the line of BBs and pick on the little food and
crumbles they are kind enough to drop from their plates. Don't expect to score much
except in very favorable situations (usu, high density of close combat towards the
end of the battle). And again, be patient. You rush, you die in seconds.
**End of Edit**

Suggestion: Start a BO for the other line of CA/BB (I actually started 3 since I want
the Nelson, Hood and PoW simultaneously) which will give you the ability to rotate
your supports (5 engies and 4 reps, for example) to have them on par or above your
BOs, and --more importantly-- it will give you the chance to have those gunners well
above the BOs, giving you a clear advantage in Rel/Acc when you reach a given

And the most important thing: ENJOY THE GAME.

oh, and be VERY, VERY patient.

++moar edit++
Y por cierto, ya debes de estar usando FCS manual, no auto.