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  • Which stat for MN gunners? acc or rld?

    02. 19. 2011 22:09

Did a search, didn't find anything on it.

If the stats aren't same (ie, 11/10 or 12/11), which one should I look at for MN

for AA use, sure, rld more important, but for main gunners? I thought I read back in
early days of MN that consensus was that RLD more important because acc cap was
reached sooner? Has that changed?

  • Re : Which stat for MN gunners? acc or rld?

    05. 16. 2011 10:16

None of them, will make a difference, once you lvl them into mid level bb.

  • Re : Which stat for MN gunners? acc or rld?

    05. 15. 2011 18:31

How about 12/10 for main gunner and 10/12 for AS gunner? Is it Sufficient enough? Pls advice.

  • Re : Which stat for MN gunners? acc or rld?

    03. 28. 2011 13:37

I donno what u guys r doing to have such ... pardon my french (No it was not ment to be a
joke) ... crappy spread. I'll take a screenshot of mine and Show u the spread of my lvl 72
gunners. Oh and go with your 11/11 sailors that is what I did.


The reason for the weird reload is b/c of your gunners. Look at the Experts and Vets. Mine
do the same and so I have to boost the one that is off.

Oh and If you are using the lyon and getting crappy spread, NO DUH, look at how the stupid
ship was designed. Guns are too spread apart.

  • Re : Which stat for MN gunners? acc or rld?

    03. 25. 2011 06:45

I agree with kudda. 11/11 is the better setup unless you are lucky enough to roll a 12/11(I
have only one in over a year). You will want the reload as the acc does really sux right now. I
usually sneak into range, fire, and then run(lol..french). I relaod and fire just before I have run
out of range. In short 2 hits before they know what happend.

  • Re : Which stat for MN gunners? acc or rld?

    02. 25. 2011 03:46

Rld is more important with the mn because you reach the acc cap really faster.

For example, i got :
-2 main gunners B/V/E lvl 120 base 11/11 (acc/rld)
-2 aa/hh gunners not boosted, half veted (arround 60 vets), and totaly experted for the
rest lvl 120 base 11/11 (acc/rld)

Now, for what i've tested with them : The spread is the same (!) but the reload is 0.4sec
(if not 0.5sec) less with my aa/hh gunners with the charlemagne 19" guns. This time count
a lot. Don't take under 11 for this ability.

->spread : no difference.
->reload : significant difference.

It show that the real stat that count is the reload ;)

you can see the difference below : after the 1 full shot (this diff is 2times longer at the
2nd shot, etc...)

  • Re : Which stat for MN gunners? acc or rld?

    02. 24. 2011 21:03

3 responses, all different lolz.

Yeah, with my KM gunners, I went with 12/10 gunners and I'm happy with them.

if what crazybrayden said is true, then I can see going with acc for the higher stat, like
11/10. Any others agree?

btw, I think in general you want acc more than rld. rld doesn't do much good if your
spread is bad, while acc means you might fire slow, but your hits matter more,
especially if you get tight shots and know your angles to get all shots to hit.

  • Re : Which stat for MN gunners? acc or rld?

    02. 21. 2011 09:13

You will just reach the cap faster with better stats. If you are caped, then, it will not
change anything. The reload cap is still harder to reach than the accu cap (and the accu
sucks anyway ^^).
Prefer the reload than the accuracy, 11/11 is better than 12/10 for example ;)

  • Re : Which stat for MN gunners? acc or rld?

    02. 20. 2011 21:03

MN has the worst spread, id go for 12/10 personally

  • Re : Which stat for MN gunners? acc or rld?

    02. 20. 2011 10:56

Both, the stats on MN gunners go up the same ammount. They are like KM gunners.
I would go with your 11/11's they should do the trick :)

  • Re : Which stat for MN gunners? acc or rld?

    02. 19. 2011 22:19

oh, I just realized I have some 11/11 gunners I can use, so I guess I'm fine lol.

However, please answer anyway; for the record and knowledge! for anyone who may
search for this.