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  • Item from supernanny on

    02. 19. 2011 22:35

(DISCLAIMER- this is not about my parenting or how I do choose to try to parent, this is
about the result of the search that I did out of curiosity for what a particular item is/was.)

My wife and I are both trying to learn new techniques to parenting so we have been
watching supernanny. So after watching a few shows, I decided to look at her website and
see what other time-out tips that I can use for our son who has decided to not listen as
of late. On her site it says that there is a "naughty step" available for sell from
either Woolworths or toys-r-us. The "naughty step" is something that is used for
time-outs for those that are not familiar with the show. I did a search at both and which is the sites that was advertised to have the
"naughty step" Woolworths did not have any that shown in the results but toys-r-us did
when I searched for it. Here is what the results were. (please pay attention to the
search results above the item that is listed.


  • Re : Item from supernanny on

    02. 22. 2011 16:42

Its amazing how some people skipped right over the fact that OP stated that he wasn't
looking for comments on the parenting, only the internet search, yet people went straight
to making parenting comments. Please, show some respect.

  • Re : Item from supernanny on

    02. 22. 2011 13:34

The naughty step concept is much simpler if i'm not mistaken. All you do is designate a
step on your stairs as the naughty step. It is no different then a timeout chair, corner, etc.

  • Re : Item from supernanny on

    02. 22. 2011 13:25

I remember callin my mother a %#@^& yeaah i got my mouth washed out with
soap for that xD

  • Re : Item from supernanny on

    02. 20. 2011 22:19

lol@the MJ game. I suppose it fits the discription of a "Naughty Step": MJ was said
to be naughty (or far worse) and stepping...err...dancing is probably what the game
is about.... hahahhaha thank you for sharing this odd info.

Oldskool is the way, yet I applaud you for trying alternatives. It shows your
interest in your family...

I know you are not asking for advice but if I may, why not stand the child with their
face in a corner of the room you are occupying at the time so you can supervise.
You already have the corner (so no need to buy anything new) and it requires the
child to stand still (which burns more energy) instead of sitting still (children sitting
still often power nap, i.e., regain energy).

The chore idea works well too.

Good luck in your quest to better parenting.

  • Re : Item from supernanny on

    02. 20. 2011 21:35

Ok, first of all, this is not asking for parenting advice. This thread was created
because of the result of a search. I gave the background only because it goes to show
what the search was about.

Now about the parenting thing; like I did say; I am an old school style of father. My
wife was concerned that I spanked our 3 year old a little much so I did decide to try
something as to compromise as many married couples do all the time. So to put it
bluntly, spanking is still in the picture, but I am trying to find a simple, non-spanking
method that works for the minor infractions that I feel does not warrant a spanking. My
wife and I are on the same page when it comes to discipline to include spanking, but a few
things that we can pick up that works for the minor issues, we will use. So thank you for
those that have gave advice already, but there is no advice that is needed. Just enjoy
the pic of the result of the search.

  • Re : Item from supernanny on

    02. 20. 2011 21:13

respect is earned, not given......spanking in no way compromises this value..if anythign
it enforces it.

I've never understood the concept of a time out personally.....i mean it (like communism)
looks good on paper.......but other than that......meh

And yes the toys r us thing is still making me lol..........

  • Re : Item from supernanny on

    02. 20. 2011 15:02

Lol Supernanny. You are on your way to being a bad parent.

  • Re : Item from supernanny on

    02. 20. 2011 13:29

I am on old school type of father. I believe in spanking in the fullest, but my wife
believes in time-out as an option. So to try and not be so harsh with my kids, I have
gone ahead and gave it a try to see if it will work because I want my family to stay
together and not have respect issues when they get older. When I saw that item for sell,
I figured why not see what the item was that was being sold. I figured that it was going
to be a stool or something along those lines. I did not expect what I found on toy-r-us
site to what it was. It was and still is quite humorous.

  • Re : Item from supernanny on

    02. 20. 2011 12:33

"My wife and I are both trying to learn new techniques to parenting so we have been
watching supernanny."

just my opinion but that in itself is a mistake.....

"So after watching a few shows, I decided to look at her website and
see what other time-out tips that I can use for our son who has decided to not listen as
of late."

As Jeff Foxworthy once said, his dad used to take "TIME-OUT" of his busy day to blister
his ass

"On her site it says that there is a "naughty step" available for sell from
either Woolworths or toys-r-us. The "naughty step" is something that is used for
time-outs for those that are not familiar with the show. I did a search at both and which is the sites that was advertised to have the
"naughty step" Woolworths did not have any that shown in the results but toys-r-us did
when I searched for it. Here is what the results were. (please pay attention to the
search results above the item that is listed."

All i see is the following:

"Is your child misbehaving? then please buy this, it will help significantly."

If your kids swear and you dont condone it, make them right an essay no less than 10 pages
single spaced regarding the words history, usage in speech, and translations as to how to
use it PROPERLY in other cultures.

If your kid doesn't listen to you, a spanking is MUCH more effective than anythign else
you can do.

If your child misbehaves they are obviously bored and are in need of a task......chores
seem to make an excellent filler here........

Creativity is key tho.dont be afraid to use your imagination:P

/end parenting advice

LOL at the MJ thing tho........its just too funny to comment on.