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  • On the "compensation event"

    02. 21. 2011 13:29

Might wanna change the wording on that to read

"increased BY <whatever> percent"

instead of

"increase TO <whatever> percent"

That is unless you want to give out 20 vets per conversion attempt EVERY TIME.

  • Re : On the

    02. 22. 2011 02:27

"HEY there only human people make mistakes and I'll leave it at that."

Trouble is that they've made THIS particular mistake many times before, and are not
learning from it EVERY TIME THEY DO IT.

Gives you the warm and fuzzies to know that these people are responsible for fixing things
around here, doesn't it? (sarcasm generator overloads again).

At least they've fixed it, now that it's been pointed out to them..... again.

  • Re : On the

    02. 22. 2011 01:31

/ troll begin

* they're only human...
If the short version gives you trouble, use "they are"...same effect :D
Also, using the wonderful secrets of the comma, the phrase will become :

"Hey they're only human, people make mistakes and I'll leave it at that".

/ troll end

* on subject *

Saying there's a 200% increase when in fact there's an increase from let's say 5% to
10-15% ( this taking into considerations various interpretations of an increase ) is
common company baiting for more money. SDE and most companies out there have done this for
ages, get over it :P

  • Re : On the

    02. 21. 2011 23:38

Whatz choo meanz my inglas iz nor rightz!

HEY there only human people make mistakes and I'll leave it at that.


  • Re : On the

    02. 21. 2011 23:17

Looks like they changed it now. :c

  • Re : On the

    02. 21. 2011 22:41

So when it says increased exp by 150%, does that mean from the original 100% exp,
its now 250%?

Same question for the other bonuses..

  • Re : On the

    02. 21. 2011 21:42

Which is why I've been saying fro ages that they need to get someone in TNF that has a
better grasp of the english language to proofread these things.

  • Re : On the

    02. 21. 2011 21:35

They're not that manipulative - they just don't speak English well.

  • Re : On the

    02. 21. 2011 21:27

"oooo 200% expert gain."
*burns experts*
*gets mad, sends support ticket*
*realizes its a 200% increase from the 5% chance*
*buys expert packs*

its worded that way so $DE can get money

  • Re : On the

    02. 21. 2011 16:28

I know it's gonna happen. Thing is the way it's worded THIS time $DE and TNF can be yelled
at with justification.

  • Re : On the

    02. 21. 2011 15:25

Doesn't matter. When percentage is used, people will be confused. Time to
start digging up the countless "it wasn't 100%" threads. You'd think that 150%
or 200% wording would be a clue...