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  • How's the hackshield...?

    02. 23. 2011 13:02

Well I just recently came back, and it seems there's a bunch of rage against the new
Ahn Lab they have.

Just wondering is it still as bad as it is?

  • Re : How's the hackshield...?

    02. 23. 2011 16:52

Funny some people say all the problems are solved, but when Hackshield was added the
technical bugs are still there, and effecting more people then is are being admitted.

I still can't play NF because it crashes when I try to play. Not in harbor, not in
waiting, only in battle, and after a very specific amount of time.

Still talking to TeamNF through contact support, and still trying in Tech support as well.
But after 3 weeks of waiting for TeamNF to fix this, I am starting to feel like I am being
pushed out of the community.

Perhaps they want some of us to be phased out removed from the game. I don't know, but
what I do know is that I have seen very much being done to solve this. It seems like its
being swept under the carpet and forgotten about.

Hackshield caused more problems then any other NF patch I have ever seen. In 6 years,
nothing has caused more issues then this. And not much has been done to fix it.

I still want to play. I had plans to buy an HQ expansion for my Russian Crew. I won't buy
it until I can actually play

  • Re : How's the hackshield...?

    02. 23. 2011 16:19

So, apart from the countless # of players who have vista, (INCLUDING ME)...
Hackshield has had all intended effects. However for those with Vista Enjoy your

  • Re : How's the hackshield...?

    02. 23. 2011 15:38

"It caused a major panic amongst the principled and the under-informed. But the only real
issue is the technical hurdles it threw at Windows Vista. There's no more lag than usual
and it's not eating your bank account numbers. =P "

Another excerpt of lies told.


  • Re : How's the hackshield...?

    02. 23. 2011 15:03

It all FUD

  • Re : How's the hackshield...?

    02. 23. 2011 14:36

As long as you don't have Vista, you'll be alright; the issues with compatibility have
kept some (e.g. me) from playing, unfortunately.

  • Re : How's the hackshield...?

    02. 23. 2011 14:32

a bit of crashing, not much, still acceptable... but i think its fine and should not be
the reason why player quit playing NF.

old game with modern tech sometime just doesn't work well... we just have to understand
and be tolerant of the matter... try installing old game (90's era) on ur new system (00
era)... and see how it work... no right... same goes with old coded NF game with now ops
W7... not sure if u guys understand what i'm explaining but i hope u do... ;D

nevertheless, i really hope that SD enternet will work harder, repairing all the glitches
for all operating system, upgrading game so that it will not be outdated and died in the
end (we hate it) and thus making NF a better game.... :D

  • Re : How's the hackshield...?

    02. 23. 2011 14:20

Its fine.

  • Re : How's the hackshield...?

    02. 23. 2011 13:25

Well lots more people are also having troubles with XP and 7 too, in terms of the game
autoupdating with between 20 and 120 unnamed files (ie downloads that many and no
description of the patch) and then crashing afterwards...although i'm not sure if that's
just the's only been happening for me since HS...

  • Re : How's the hackshield...?

    02. 23. 2011 13:16

It caused a major panic amongst the principled and the under-informed. But the only real
issue is the technical hurdles it threw at Windows Vista. There's no more lag than usual
and it's not eating your bank account numbers. =P