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  • Hypocracy

    02. 24. 2011 06:45

Image taken from thread by vanity:

After the removal of the credit event from select gamemodes I pondered as to why this
occured. The only reason that has been given is by adamvan who states: ''Please play rooms
you would NORMALLY PLAY''

The above screenshot was posted on the 18th Feb 2011, whch shows the below list of games
being played:

- Blitzkrieg
- Normal room (AZ vs MO in the screenshot)

These gamemodes have been frequently played since the server merge, therefore they are
currently the NORMAL GAMEMODES. So I still ponder as to why the event removal from select
mode occurred. Apparently it was an exploit to use such a gamemode, if that is true then
why are GBII rooms allowed for EXP events? Because they are the 'norm'? As shown above
they (among other gamemodes) are the 'norm' currently played, yet GBII usage is not an
exploit during EXP events.

If CV room usage is an exploit, wave your authority stick and claim GBII is an exploit of
EXP gain and limit EXP gain to GB1, OP Convoy, Night Battle and select gamemodes,
otherwise you are just being hypocritical.

  • Re : Hypocracy

    02. 26. 2011 05:31

*with either my US midway or IJN degrasse in gb2 so far around 250k credits for 20k
personal. havent played a gb1 yet but without credit gain could avg around 300-400k loadout is 6ftr pilots 2 db or tb pilots *

Again, just proves that the claims of 'preventing a disruption to server flow' is a feeble
excuse. Even though it has been confirmed that GB1's are apparently allowed they will most
likely be disabled too if more than 2 GB1's are hosted.

Its like being the North Korean World Cup Football team. . .

  • Re : Hypocracy

    02. 25. 2011 12:24

with either my US midway or IJN degrasse in gb2 so far around 250k credits for 20k
personal. havent played a gb1 yet but without credit gain could avg around 300-400k loadout is 6ftr pilots 2 db or tb pilots

  • Re : Hypocracy

    02. 25. 2011 11:31

"I sail a hindenburg with lvl 75 pilots and in gb2 average around 20 to 30k credits for 3k
personal credits 40 to 50k for 5k personal credits "

Everything in that statement is pretty pathetic...

  • Re : Hypocracy

    02. 25. 2011 11:18

I sail a hindenburg with lvl 75 pilots and in gb2 average around 20 to 30k credits for 3k
personal credits 40 to 50k for 5k personal credits

  • Re : Hypocracy

    02. 25. 2011 11:15

@ lukyluke:

Sorry but the ABers ruined CV mode a long time ago.

I know I said 200k credits for a CV4 but I should have been abit more specific. Thats 200k
credits for a good game where I shoot lots of planes down. Thats more of a situational
thing I guess. I'm having a hard time finding people to fight me today so I'm getting more
like 150kish for lower personal credit score games.

GB1 gives out about 2x the credits GB2 does along with faster games. If GB1s are running
you can play 2 per GB2 game, sometimes more. Yeah I know GB1 gives less exp per game but
more games per hour = more credit/xp per hour.

  • Re : Hypocracy

    02. 25. 2011 10:59

Tell you what lets all have a strike if you have a cv go into battle but only launch 1
plane at a time then when they say hey why arent you playing we can all say CAUSE YOU
RUINED CV MODE! and that is how we will get it back.

  • Re : Hypocracy

    02. 25. 2011 09:59

Thank you V2.
That finally proves to me that this 'flow' TNF/GMs want is completely fail. Especially
since this flow is excessive usage of GBII and if GB1 was used as much as select mode was, I
bet the same thing would occur.

  • Re : Hypocracy

    02. 25. 2011 09:48

"I know and understand why they disabled the event in select modes, but can someone who
has regularly played CV in GBII rooms while the event is going on tell me their average
credit gain in these rooms?"

Around 200k in CV4, about what GB1 normally gave out.

  • Re : Hypocracy

    02. 25. 2011 07:59

**To help clear this up for u all the decision to change this was done after talking with
the gms and seeing how the normal flow of the server had changed to exploit this
event. This event was and is for all not just 1 primary group as cv select mode is.
The decision was only made right before the patch. In the past events this was not
a big deal cause we had a choice massive xp or credits and thus the FLOW of the
game stayed regular. PLease understand there is no hypocracy here this is how it
happened and hopefully halfway saved our nf economy.**

So why has all events until now been allowed in select modes? I'll tell you why, its
because the population was so diluted that you did not see the total number of people
playing these rooms during credit events over all of the servers. This apparent 'flow' was
not disrupted pre-merge because the population was so disperesed over four servers that it
took until a merger that TNF/GMs noticed the total number of people that would utilize an
event to its full potential and that made you panic.

**The next thing I would like to work on is a large credit sink like premium items for a
fairly large event entry fees what do u all think of that? How much would be a
reasonable entry fee? Ideas that might help in this? No promises but I would be
willing to try along with our event cordinators to make something like this happen if
it would help reduce credits and be fun at the same time. **

Your suggesting to the higher ups to charge 'X' amount of credits for item events? Questions:-

- Will this be player specific? (who has the most money - don't answer that, its obvious)
- What would you consider the average credit per dollar?: you'll have to figure that out
1st and I can guarantee that it will be extortionate, possibly along the lines of 10mil
per dollar
- Would only the top player / top 3 / top 5 / all players get these items?

I can pretty much guarantee that your idea will result in something of the following:

1. Entry fee over 15-20million credits.
2. At most the top 3 attacks will gain an item prize that will either be smokes, mines or
HHs; so obviously it will be specific to ONE PRIMARY GROUP of ships (hypocracy present?)
for a small prize return.

I'm still waiting on someone to tell me what the average credit gain during this event in
GBIIs, I have a sneaky suspicion it will probably be along the lines of GB1 credit gain at
non-event times.

  • Re : Hypocracy

    02. 25. 2011 07:26

To help clear this up for u all the decision to change this was done after talking with
the gms and seeing how the normal flow of the server had changed to exploit this
event. This event was and is for all not just 1 primary group as cv select mode is.
The decision was only made right before the patch. In the past events this was not
a big deal cause we had a choice massive xp or credits and thus the FLOW of the
game stayed regular. PLease understand there is no hypocracy here this is how it
happened and hopefully halfway saved our nf economy.

The next thing I would like to work on is a large credit sink like premium items for a
fairly large event entry fees what do u all think of that? How much would be a
reasonable entry fee? Ideas that might help in this? No promises but I would be
willing to try along with our event cordinators to make something like this happen if
it would help reduce credits and be fun at the same time.
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