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  • The event was meant....

    02. 24. 2011 07:48

TNF wrote that there will be event with 200% credit/point boost nothing else. After one
day they has silenly changed it only for GB rooms. Only sign of this is an answer:

""No it was changed to be as it was meant to be a boost in gbs and blitz for all to
enjoy together not in cv select rooms.""

in one of topic which was immediately locked, so no discusion will be possible.

Such retarded behavior from TNF will only make people stop from playing NF. I "think" that
players are the once who makes TNF profit and TNF only f*uck players up.

I wish TNF that this arrogant behavior will be their doom.

  • Re : The event was meant....

    02. 24. 2011 08:10

The event and the result of it is being discussed in a lot of threads, some of which are
still open. Please use those threads to continue the conversation.

Also, no bashing of TNF is allowed in the forums. If you have an issue with TNF/SDE,
please send a support ticket. That is the proper channel to get an answer.

  • Re : The event was meant....

    02. 24. 2011 08:07

This about principle. They announce something and then they silently change it. And they
do it all over again.

But I see that many players are retards or small babies if it doesn't matter how TNF is
only abusing players.

  • Re : The event was meant....

    02. 24. 2011 08:01

Why is everyone complaining about only getting 10 times more credits per hour than an
average GB2 player instead of 20 times? Let's all go to the next bridge and do some emo
adrenaline sports.

  • Re : The event was meant....

    02. 24. 2011 07:59

Exploiters should be banned.

That way they can not run to the forums to bore us with their whining.

  • Re : The event was meant....

    02. 24. 2011 07:54

cry me a river