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  • Andrea Doria at level

    02. 25. 2011 04:24


I recently got my AD when my engineer hit level 65 and i gotta say... it's definitely not
as good as i thought it would be.

Now my entire crew is at level, which means in their 60s, not vetted nor boosted, and only
have an SD of ~300. The only BVE sailors are my gunners. Now i know it is a pretty crappy
crew, but after reading several forum topics on the AD, i thought it would maybe give me a
fighting chance in GB. How wrong I was.

As for the gun spread, it is similar to my PPro2 11". It's not fantastic, the spread is
longer than a Montana. The shell damage isn't very fantastic either. If I'm not wrong,
it's around 1.5k a shell? The range is similar to my PPro2 as well. As I don't have
excellent crew, my ship travels at 24/33, which is really really slow. I can't chase
anything, as well as run away from anything. Turn rate is great, but with the lack of SD,
i can't take much hits, contrary to much of the AD feedback i have seen.

I have been on my Emden AAing from 60 to 65 just for this ship, with high hopes I might
add. As of now, I can only effectively compete with other at-level PBBs and BB3s and
below. going head to head/rushing a blind a BB4s and above will always result in a short
trip to the bottom of the ocean.

Perhaps I am doing something wrong? I have my AA set up with KM40s and default singles,
but yet it feels so different from the emden. Or isit perhaps my situation is normal with
at-level crew? Either way, this was definitely not what I was expecting when i spent that
7 dollars. Now I'm grinding in the ship to the OPro2, skipping the OPro1, hoping that it
can perform better with its trip 15" damage and slight range increase.

Perhaps a few fellow AD users out there could give me some feedback? I would appreciate it.

  • Re : Andrea Doria at level

    02. 25. 2011 22:06

Funny thing about the AD ship is, for a PBB for KM it sure doesn't and can't be played as
one. *Thinks of blowing the Italians to hell when they come since the ship might've
been inspired from their side.*

AD is mostly for those who are desperate or just wanna get away from the monotonous
KM play style. The only resemblence it has for a KM ship is the AA guns. If you have the
patience, keep for awhile.

You might had better invested on the moltke though.

  • Re : Andrea Doria at level

    02. 25. 2011 21:08

It sucks cause your at level

AD was never fast and any ship with 300sd will be soft

Personally I would put the 11" L's on the opro cause you get more range...that or the 14.96's can be fun

  • Re : Andrea Doria at level

    02. 25. 2011 11:36

Yeah I agree... when I am having down days with my H-39 I got into my AD and do really
well.... even playing "KM" style (strike and turn).

AD for AA is great (and I am glad to hear you are using the KM40s). Make sure you are
using 32 degrees (not 36 like the Emden 3.46" guns) for high-level targets. Remember
reload will max out at 50% reload time. The emden's 3.46" guns would result in ~ 0.4
seconds. You can get to ~ 0.9 seconds with the KM40s. This is more than sufficient
(since the KM40s put out a lot more damage and range).

I am using Level 93 gunners with the AD 12.75" guns and I get a nice tight circle of hit
zone. The range is obviously an issue so you have to work smart. I do not know for sure,
but it seems I do more damage than even my H-39 on a salvo (this might be also because I
live longer... not sure). I am using the L bind (light) ammo for the extra 1/2" screen
range or whatever.

I agree speed on the AD is a little poor... even with minimum armor (0.2 belt, 50 bulge)
and my 750 SD crew I am only putting up 23-24Kts or so on non-overheat. My suggestion is
go up the line (north or south) as a support for the BB4s+. Shoot down planes, those DDs
and CLs who enter the hit zone and stay alive..... once the enemy line falls apart then
you can move in and try and take some long shots. Vice versa, if your team is getting
owned, you can strategically fall back to support. Of course all this is much "easier"
said than done in practice.... the heat of battle can lead you to stupid decisions!

  • Re : Andrea Doria at level

    02. 25. 2011 07:26

-AD salvoes can hit over 20ishk+
-Mixing km 40 and single is a fail.
-Your crew definetely sucks, just like us when we start grinding KM.

No offense, but AD is one of the overpowered ship in KM, with an appropriate
For the simple reason:

Hit relatively hard for a low lvl ship.
Small hit box.
Reasonable speed.
High turning force!
High submergence.
Easy to aim, than any other PBB
Fast reload

Plus, if you use get used to AD AA, it will be much more easier for you.