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  • Navyfield 3 - Complies with forum rules.

    02. 25. 2011 07:51

Since 2 years ago when I started playing Navyfield, I heard the rumor of the release
of Navyfield 2/3. Cited on wikipedia and other media sources the release date of
2008 was fixed. It soon became 2008/2009, 2010, 2011/2012, and then blank.

I posted a thread simliair on the forum but becuase of rules, I think it will be deleted
without an official answer. So I will modify the question abit :

I've always wondered why are the ships (in the shipyard) on this website different to
the ships in-game? Are they sprites for Navyfield 2/3 ?

In a addition to that, is Navyfield 2/3 in progress or has been removed? I've heard
rumors about it's release almost 4 years ago now. Now its starting to be coined as
conspiracy for attracting players. So, what's really happening ?


- Demands for answers from SDE/TeamNF/FM Team are not permitted, however we
may often
address some questions and concerns with an official topic. In the event of legitimate
emergencies, or other unprecedented scenarios, we will endeavour to provide
comments, even
if it is only to state that there is no officially available information. However, this
may not always be possible.

=== Not demanding answers from SDE/TeamNF/FM Team, but it would be a nice

- Call-out threads that target specific SDE/TeamNF/FM Team will be binned
without notice. If you want an answer from an SDE/TeamNF/FM Team, please send
either a
support ticket or a PM.

=== Not calling on a specific target but a mixed audience.

- Conspiracy threads are not permitted. Any groundless claims or complaints about
SDE/TeamNF/FM team acting in collusion with or granting favouritism to any group or
will be removed without notice.

=== This is not a conspiracy thread, but just a person questioning some things that
have not been answered before, this is not an complaint nor is it acussing
SDE/TeamNF/FM team of collusion with another group.

Thank you.


  • Re : Navyfield 3 - Complies with forum rules.

    02. 25. 2011 07:55

You opened another thread for the same topic. The other post has an answer from TNF
answering your question, so this new thread is not needed.

I'm locking for double post.