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  • The SS rules have changed?

    02. 27. 2011 17:37

Idk, but i'm pretty sure.
My Junsen is doing like 25/29, a bit faster than I would expect.
But the subs seem to be more vulnerable.
I saw that an FF used just 2 DC to take down SS4 with full health.
With these new regulations, anyone care puttig up new guides maybe?
Another noob question: How come subs just disappear when they dive, even if I
have sonar?

  • Re : The SS rules have changed?

    03. 02. 2011 06:41

The resume is:

- If you are submerged, you are screwed.
- If you are surfaced, you are screwed.

  • Re : The SS rules have changed?

    02. 28. 2011 23:29

"By the way, as for rules, I was expecting a thread about those "rules of engagement"

Yeah, I thought someone was upset that other subs were sinking them.

  • Re : The SS rules have changed?

    02. 28. 2011 12:46

Hey Hams31, bring out your Montana and see if you can survive long enough for an enemy
sub to get to your side of the map.

  • Re : The SS rules have changed?

    02. 28. 2011 11:45

Funny how my NoSkillNoobSub owns the Legends LOL

  • Re : The SS rules have changed?

    02. 28. 2011 10:14


SS don't disappear when you go OH with your own ss. If you played atleast 5
battles you would know that. I can tell you driving ss effectively isn't for everyone.
An example, every game I see ss aiming for the rear of a bb...(says enough).
Another example, ss engaging eachtoher, some ss don't use crit depth at all.
Anticipating with long torps where your enemy ss will come before you see him,
something 85% doesn't do. Also firing all torps at ss at once (gradual or
simultanious) is dumb and will make you fail (specially if you have low lvl torpers).
Firing all torps at enemy is wise when you are about to die, in a loast effort to take
out the enemy with you.
Also anticipating BB, CV where they are going is something most lack. They just go
right at it instead of trying to cut his escape route. Driving an ss is using your brain.
So enough with the claims you don't need skill to drive ss.

If not everyone drives a ship the way the should I can tell you those who do can be
seen as "skilled". How stupid as it sounds but that's how it goes on nf... just using
that brain of yours could help you alot with your skills...

You are right, you need 3 DCS to waste a SS4, for some 4 (but these are very rare).
But you have to be carefull with DC when friendly ss are near. It has a great impact
area under water. DC also load very fast.

  • Re : The SS rules have changed?

    02. 28. 2011 07:15

<"first point. subs are trash now compared to how they were.. they cant take hits from
bb's broadside and survive anymore.. you have to be mroe cautious."

As it should be... a sub should not be able to survive a full point blank broadside from a

I full broadsided a KM SS4 yesterday in a monty. . .

. . . and it survived.

  • Re : The SS rules have changed?

    02. 28. 2011 07:08

True, SD makes a difference. SDE couldn't appropriately bal the subs.

By the way, as for rules, I was expecting a thread about those "rules of engagement"

  • Re : The SS rules have changed?

    02. 28. 2011 06:35

dude who told you that SS are trash now all you need is good SD
yesterday i took full slavo of BB6 QV and still dived that slavo only did like 10K
damage to me so my SS4 still could dive and repair

  • Re : The SS rules have changed?

    02. 28. 2011 04:58

"first point. subs are trash now compared to how they were.. they cant take hits from
bb's broadside and survive anymore.. you have to be mroe cautious."

As it should be... a sub should not be able to survive a full point blank broadside from a BB5

  • Re : The SS rules have changed?

    02. 27. 2011 19:49

DCs right on top of me will take out my UK SS4 or close to it.

If you are in a surface ship and OH subs "disappear" always have. Or as stated it is in a
crit dive.

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