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  • Do you believe in NF 2/3? What are your expectations of it?

    02. 28. 2011 11:33

I dunno if its real and if real, i expect some critical points like:

The bottom of the tail (Bismarck was sunk because of a lucky torpedo)
Ammo Room (Should need some damage to be hit, no one would leave it unarmored)
Bridge (Maybe should make guidelines disappear?)

Also it should show you the damage made on the ship (nearly carbonized BBs from heavy
fire, it would be nice)

An plaza or lobby like harbour

A way to train manual without a legion of moving BBs behind you

Going to edit if i have another idea

EDIT 1: No sprites

Some maps with islands with coastal defenses to make APA ships more useful

EDIT 2: Availability to rotate and change the angle of the view

EDIT 3: (Not sure if its a good idea) Neutral ship tree

  • Re : Do you believe in NF 2/3? What are your expectations of it?

    03. 06. 2011 08:41

Really I paly NF because it has so many custimize options. So I would love to see
that in NF2

  • Re : Do you believe in NF 2/3? What are your expectations of it?

    03. 06. 2011 07:49

Emma9 wrote,

"I do believe NF 2/3 will come out at some point. I only hope it ...

- is similar to current NF in completeness of shiplines
- has more ships from WW1 era
- has more navies, even minor ones
- has better graphics
- requires less waiting times to start battles
- less "boring", wait and see, battleline gameplay
- more customization options
- brings armor into the equation (not just the all or nothing concept we have now)

I don't care about other things. As long as it has more ships and battles start and
finish faster, I'll play it."

I agree with every one of those points 100%. You couldn't have said it better.

  • Re : Do you believe in NF 2/3? What are your expectations of it?

    03. 06. 2011 07:32

@ noobrage

you should know when SDE says they will do something you'll only see it 5 years later
but in the case of a new game... we will be waiting till 2045 for NF3D.

  • Re : Do you believe in NF 2/3? What are your expectations of it?

    03. 06. 2011 06:40

"On the other hand, ****** ********: ******* sacrificed far too much historical
accuracy for gameplay, and sacrificing the wrong things."

I think I know which game you are talking about. This game you are referring to is kind
of what I hope NF will be in the future (sort of). The only problem with this game is that
it requires so much system requirements that it often makes my laptop overheat and die

  • Re : Do you believe in NF 2/3? What are your expectations of it?

    03. 06. 2011 06:29

*it would give a DD the same chance to sink a BB as the BB would have of sinking it with
one salvo.*

If the BB driver was asleep or alstein yea, sure.

  • Re : Do you believe in NF 2/3? What are your expectations of it?

    03. 05. 2011 19:00

instead of battles where everyone is grouped together, how about trying having ships spawn
in random locations around the map?

it would give a DD the same chance to sink a BB as the BB would have of sinking it with
one salvo.

the only exception to this would be the CVs, which would be spawned at the center of the
battlegroup OUT OF RANGE of other CVs bombers

it would add to the strategical/tactical value of the game at the very least, and bring
teamwork back into the picture


  • Re : Do you believe in NF 2/3? What are your expectations of it?

    03. 05. 2011 17:53

Question: *Do you believe in NF 2/3?*

Answer: *NO!*

  • Re : Do you believe in NF 2/3? What are your expectations of it?

    03. 05. 2011 17:37

Do we have an ETA for the new comming NF?

  • Re : Do you believe in NF 2/3? What are your expectations of it?

    03. 02. 2011 23:33

I would love to see how Amagi and Queen Victoria render out in 3D

  • Re : Do you believe in NF 2/3? What are your expectations of it?

    03. 02. 2011 19:12

"The current concept of fighting stuff at max range is challenging and can be fun if
you actually have range. But it sucks if you don't. In reality there never was any
naval battle that was fought at max range. "

--- I agree with you. I would like to see battles fought at varying ranges.

Perhaps make it that at longer ranges, guns lose accuracy. Which could lead to more
dynamic battles - with some sacrificing accuracy to stay out of enemy range, while
others get in close to land more solid hits.

I just find it weird that in the current NF, shells actually land in a tight cluster
(blockshot) at ships' max ranges which are probably many miles away.

I know NF =/= reality, but for a game that is based on real, historical elements,
wouldn't it be better to incorporate as much semblances of reality when possible, so
long as it doesn't make the game boring.

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