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  • Just wondering? Why is updating the Rankings taking so long?

    03. 03. 2011 14:56

As the title asks,
Why is the ranking taking so long to update when there was no patch this week?
Could someone check and let us know?

  • Re : Just wondering? Why is updating the Rankings taking so long?

    03. 05. 2011 03:37

LoDog, what is the point of your post? Go do that on the AE forums with your pocket mod.


Its unfair to group all of TNF under that banner. I know a few actually want to help the
community. But unfortunately, not all of them do.

  • Re : Just wondering? Why is updating the Rankings taking so long?

    03. 04. 2011 21:56

@at everyone HES BACKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Perhaps Winterx, instead of making a sarcastic comment at a player, you can do
your job
and help.

@On Topic.

Every so often this happens, it usually is sorted within a day or so.

  • Re : Just wondering? Why is updating the Rankings taking so long?

    03. 04. 2011 20:16

Clearly thats TNF's job Lukas. How would they police the servers when they are helping
people out?

  • Re : Just wondering? Why is updating the Rankings taking so long?

    03. 04. 2011 18:21

"Lukas, there was a huge amount of support tickets recently concerned HS..."

Still doesn't give him the right or the time to come on the forums and post a
sarcastic and insulting reply to a customer. Shouldn't he be answering those

  • Re : Just wondering? Why is updating the Rankings taking so long?

    03. 04. 2011 13:27

"Saying that, why worry about rankings? people severely pad them. . . "

The rankings themselves are not the issue. With the recent reformation fleets were forced
to do it helps to see who is still untagged if they were away for the past week or two.
Anyway rankings are back, Picasso is still #1, and we're missing some inactive players
still at TTF. All is well in the NF world. ;D

  • Re : Just wondering? Why is updating the Rankings taking so long?

    03. 04. 2011 11:27

ranking gives me something to work for...goals to accomplish for the week...i notice
sometimes that the ranking is updated before the patch is even applied...longest
was about 18 hrs


  • Re : Just wondering? Why is updating the Rankings taking so long?

    03. 04. 2011 11:12

Yes I do!

  • Re : Just wondering? Why is updating the Rankings taking so long?

    03. 04. 2011 10:56

angus, that does not mean members of TNF are entitled to demean players or give sarcastic
replies considering their position.

Saying that, why worry about rankings? people severely pad them. . .

  • Re : Just wondering? Why is updating the Rankings taking so long?

    03. 03. 2011 19:19

Lukas, there was a huge amount of support tickets recently concerned HS...

  • Re : Just wondering? Why is updating the Rankings taking so long?

    03. 03. 2011 19:10

Perhaps Winterx, instead of making a sarcastic comment at a player, you can do your job
and help.

@On Topic.

Every so often this happens, it usually is sorted within a day or so.
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