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  • Navy field browser game

    03. 04. 2011 17:59

Well I just thought this over and it seems possible

So lately major improvements have been made in browser games making it possible to make a navyfield game in
browser and in 3d it could be done and could be a great way for sde to make it's 3d game they want to make it
would also make it available to almost every one i plan on looking into it more so I can figure a ruff cost and time
range and how nice it could be graphic wise

  • Re : Navy field browser game

    03. 04. 2011 21:18

Well right off the bat I found a pretty good source of information you can do it with java which is a relatively easy
program to use open gl in java is still not that hard then you can do a 2d overlap with photocube which idk much
about but it's 2d so probably not to hard