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  • Alter the GB2 Losing Team XP

    03. 05. 2011 00:53

As is right now, in a ss3 at lvl 75 im capped at about 8500 xp if I lose. If we win, I can get close to
18000 xp....

That is STUPID... to put it simply... In a game where your randomly stuck with players you should not
be so heavily punished for your team being awful.

The losing team XP needs to be larger. Not to the point where winning and losing doesnt matter, but
to a point where being stuck with the rejects of NF (theirs alot of u) doesnt punish your 75k attack
games cause your cv's and bb's have down syndrome.

sorry for the weird lines, these forums do that to my posts

  • Re : Alter the GB2 Losing Team XP

    03. 05. 2011 09:27

Look back at exp 2-3 years ago. The losing team is not being penalized on XP, but rather
the winning team is being dramatically rewarded.

  • Re : Alter the GB2 Losing Team XP

    03. 05. 2011 04:44

In shared exp rooms as GB2, torpedo damage goes to team attack and not personal
attack. That means that in an SS you will get as much exp as your team is able to give

A solution for that is available in the game, you create a normal room where you are
rewarded for the damage you inflict on the other team, doesn't matter if you win or

  • Re : Alter the GB2 Losing Team XP

    03. 05. 2011 02:33

Great balance????????
So if some is sink 67.000t is receive less or more depend by type of vessel no?

do wana fair judge? do you are credulous ?

  • Re : Alter the GB2 Losing Team XP

    03. 05. 2011 02:06

here's a fix.

get on a BB or CV and actually make a difference in game