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  • Penalty for lazy flagships

    03. 05. 2011 06:17

AFK flags should get a negative exp penalty due inactivity

  • Re : Penalty for lazy flagships

    03. 07. 2011 12:55

recomend poking of sticks!

  • Re : Penalty for lazy flagships

    03. 06. 2011 18:45

I say we make them walk the plank. Or just poke them with sticks.

  • Re : Penalty for lazy flagships

    03. 06. 2011 18:15


Unless you mean what I'm about to say, you don't know who is flag until team split. At
that point, it actually does give the flag time to /q or just rage quit by restart NF before
the battle actually does start (given the generous 20 sec to bring up task manager)

If anything should be done, its that the flag cannot be auto-booted for AFKness. His/her
ship will sit there until it is sunken by bombs/torps/shells

  • Re : Penalty for lazy flagships

    03. 05. 2011 17:29

While it might be annoying to loose due to flagship being kicked out of the battle, it is
no cause to give the player negative exp.

First there are other game modes to play and if people don't like the flagship system
they can try other game modes. I agree that they don't give much exp in the end
screen, but they can give more exp in an hour as they need less people to start.

Second, if you do play GB2 you don't know if you will be selected flagship until after
the battle has started... by then, if you have to be AFK due to any reason you are
already out of the computer and have no chance to do anything about it. Yes, you
might argue that if you are playing you need to be in the computer... but sometimes
its not possible and it is unfair to get negative exp because you happen to be
selected as a flagship.

Just like you think it's not fair to loose due to flagship being disconnected, it is also
not fair to give negative exp for something you have no control of (Being selected as

  • Re : Penalty for lazy flagships

    03. 05. 2011 15:04

Yeah but its kinda anoying to lose the battle because the flagship is afk and is auto

  • Re : Penalty for lazy flagships

    03. 05. 2011 11:48

There's already a kicking system for the ones who are AFK during battle.

  • Re : Penalty for lazy flagships

    03. 05. 2011 11:42

Lol why just flagship?

  • Re : Penalty for lazy flagships

    03. 05. 2011 09:20

LOL why?